All SAP Transaction Codes with Report and Description from U to Z
Here you can see all SAP transaction codes and the called reports including a short header description.
Sometimes you are looking for transactions "around your currently known transactions". Here you have the (nearly) complete list of the SAP transactions (about 16000+) sorted by transaction code. So, you can navigate to your transaction and have a look what interesting you may find "next to" this. Just give it a chance :-)))
The full list of transaction codes is maintained in the tables TSTC and TSTCT. So, you can have a look via SE16 in your own SAP system as well.
TA Report Header Description
UCC0 RFTBUC00 BP conversion: Initial conversion
UCC1 RFTBUC01 BP conversion: Initial CBP Customiz
UCC2 RFTBUC02 BP conversion: Cutomizing
UCD1 RFTBUD01 Delete converted partners
UCD3 RFTBUD03 Delete matched partner
UCH1 RADPROTA Display logs
UCH2_1 RFTBUH02_1 Determine data elements
UCH2_2 RFTBUH02_2 Determine tables
UCH2_3 RFTBUH02_3 Usage of Fields to be Converted
UCP1 RFTBUP01 Convert TR Partner to CBP
UCP11 RFTBUP11 General code conversion
UCP2 RFTBUP02 Convert Relationships
UCP2_3 RFTBUP02_3 Conversion FI fields to relat'ships
UCP3 RFTBUP03 Match: Selection without partner
UCP3_2 RFTBUP03_2 Match selected partners
UCP4 RFTBUP04 Structure partner-obj. relationship
UCP6 RFTBUP06 Convert Memos
UCP7 RFTBUP07 Display log
UCP8 RFTBUP08 Conversion of partner-object rel.
UCP9 RFTBUP09 Generate Coding
UCUST MENUUCUST BP: Business partner - applic.Cust.
UC17A RFTBUH01 Convert industries
UD96 RFFMUD96 Revenues Increasing Budget
UKVC SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: IDWTVC
UNKR SAPMSNUM Number range main.:W_AKTION
UPART RFTBUAU1 Business Partner: Conversion to CBP
UPDA RVFTBALE Foreign Trade: Mater data transfer
UPS RUPSPORTAL ALE Distribution Units (UPS)
UPSC00 SAPUPSC00 ALE Distribution Unit: Setting
UPSRCP RUPSRCP Replication Table: Organization
UPS01 SAPUPS Create ALE Distribution Unit
UPS02 SAPUPS Change ALE Distribution Unit
UPS03 SAPUPS Display ALE Distribution Unit
UPS04 SAPUPS Copy ALE Distribution Unit
USMM RSUVM000 Customer measurement
V.00 RVAUFERR List of Incomplete Documents
V.07 RVFPLA01 Periodic billing
V.14 RVSPERAU Sales Orders Blocked for Delivery
V.15 RVAUFRUE Display Backorders
V.21 SDSAMPRO Log of Collective Run
V.22 SDSAMPRO Display Collective Runs
V.23 RVAUFSPE Release Orders for Billing
V.25 RVKPR002 Release Customer Expected Price
V.26 RVAUFSTA Selection by Object Status
V+01 SAPMV43A Create Sales Call
V+02 SAPMV43A Create Telephone Call
V+03 SAPMV43A Create Sales Letter
V+11 SAPMV43A Create Direct Mailing
V+21 SAPMF02D Create Sales Prospect
V+22 SAPMF02D Create Competitor
V+23 SAPMF02D Create Business Partner
V-01 SAPMV45A Create Sales Order
V-02 SAPMV45A Create Quotation
V-03 SAPMF02D Create ordering party (Sales)
V-04 SAPMF02D Create invoice recipient (Sales)
V-05 SAPMF02D Create payer (Sales)
V-06 SAPMF02D Create consignee (Sales)
V-07 SAPMF02D Create one-time customer (Sales)
V-08 SAPMF02D Create payer (Centrally)
V-09 SAPMF02D Create ordering party (Centrally)
V-11 SAPMF02K Create carrier
V-31 SAPMV13A Create Freight 1
V-32 SAPMV13A Create Freight 1 with Reference
V-33 SAPMV13A Change Freight 1
V-34 SAPMV13A Create Freight 1
V-35 SAPMV13A Create Freight 1
V-36 SAPMV13A Create Freight 1 with Reference
V-37 SAPMV13A Change Freight 2
V-38 SAPMV13A Display Freight 2
V-40 SAPMV13A Display Taxes (Export)
V-41 SAPMV13A Create Material Price
V-42 SAPMV13A Create Material Price w/ref.
V-43 SAPMV13A Change Material Price
V-44 SAPMV13A Display Material Price
V-45 SAPMV13A Create Price List
V-46 SAPMV13A Create Price List w/ref.
V-47 SAPMV13A Change Price List
V-48 SAPMV13A Display Price List
V-49 SAPMV13A Create Customer-Specific Price
V-50 SAPMV13A Create Customer-spec. Price w/ref.
V-51 SAPMV13A Change Cust.price
V-52 SAPMV13A Display Cust.price
V-61 SAPMV13A Create Cust.disc./surcharge
V-62 SAPMV13A Create Customer Disc/Surch. w/ref
V-63 SAPMV13A Change Cust.Disc/Surcharge
V-64 SAPMV13A Display Cust.Disc/Surcharge
V-65 SAPMV13A Create Mat.Disc/Surcharge
V-66 SAPMV13A Create w/ref.Material Disc/Surcharg
V-67 SAPMV13A Change Mat.Disc/Surcharge
V-68 SAPMV13A Display Mat.Disc/Surcharge
V-69 SAPMV13A Create Price grp Disc/Surch
V-70 SAPMV13A Create w/ref.Price Group Disc/Surch
V-71 SAPMV13A Change Price grp Disc/Surch
V-72 SAPMV13A Display Price grp Disc/Surch
V-73 SAPMV13A Create Disc/Surc
V-74 SAPMV13A Create w/ Disc/Surch
V-75 SAPMV13A Change Disc/Surc
V-76 SAPMV13A Display Disc/Surc
V-77 SAPMV13A Create Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/S
V-78 SAPMV13A Create w/ref.Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/Sur
V-79 SAPMV13A Change Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/S
V-80 SAPMV13A Display Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/S
V-81 SAPMV13A Create Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-82 SAPMV13A Create w/ref.Cust/Mat.Disc/Surcharg
V-83 SAPMV13A Change Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-84 SAPMV13A Display Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-85 SAPMV13A Create PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur
V-86 SAPMV13A Create w/ref.PrGrp/MatPrGrp Disc/Su
V-87 SAPMV13A Change PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur
V-88 SAPMV13A Display PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur
V-89 SAPMV13A Create PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur
V-90 SAPMV13A Create w/ref.PrGrp/Mat Disc/Surch.
V-91 SAPMV13A Change PGrp/mat Disc/Surch.
V-92 SAPMV13A Display PGrp/mat.Disc/Surch.
V-93 SAPMV13A Create Domestic Taxes
V-94 SAPMV13A Create Domestic Taxes w/Reference
V-95 SAPMV13A Change Domestic Taxes
V-96 SAPMV13A Display Domestic Taxes
V-97 SAPMV13A Create Cross-border Taxes
V-98 SAPMV13A Create Cross-border Taxes
V-99 SAPMV13A Change Cross-border Taxes
V/C7 SAPMV12A CondTable: Create (Batches; SD)
V/C8 SAPMV12A CondTable: Change (Batch; SD)
V/C9 SAPMV12A CondTable: Display (Batches; SD)
V/G1 SAPMV12A Output CondTab/Create Group
V/G2 SAPMV12A Output CondTab Change Group
V/G3 SAPMV12A Output CondTab/Display Group
V/I2 RV15F001 Set up condition indices
V/I3 SAPMV13A Conditions: Pricing SD - Index
V/I4 SAPMV13A Conditions: Pricing SD - Index
V/LA SAPMV14A Create Pricing Report
V/LB SAPMV14A Change Pricing Report
V/LC SAPMV14A Display Pricing Report
V/LD SAPMV14A Execute pricing report
V/LE RV14ALLE Generate pricing reports
V/N2 SAPMV12A Create free goods table
V/N3 SAPMV12A Display free goods table (SD)
V/03 SAPMV12A Create Condition Table (SD Price)
V/04 SAPMV12A Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)
V/05 SAPMV12A Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.
V/12 SAPMV12A Account Determination: Create Table
V/13 SAPMV12A Account Determination: Change Table
V/14 SAPMV12A Account Determination: Display Tabl
V/56 SAPMV12A Output: Cond.Table - Create Orders
V/57 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Change Order
V/58 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Display Order
V/59 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Create Dlv.
V/60 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Change Dlv.
V/61 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Display Dlv.
V/62 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Create BillDo
V/63 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Change BillDo
V/64 SAPMV12A Output - Cond.Table - Display BillD
V/65 SAPMV12A Output CondTable/Create SalesSuppor
V/66 SAPMV12A Output CondTab./Change Sales Suppor
V/67 SAPMV12A Output CondTab/Display Sales Suppor
V/77 SAPMV12A Output -ConditTable- Create Transpr
V/78 SAPMV12A Output -CondTable- Change Transport
V/79 SAPMV12A Output -CondTable- Display Transpor
V/93 SAPMV12A Output -CondTable- Create Packaging
V/94 SAPMV12A Output -CondTable- Change Packaging
V/95 SAPMV12A Output -CondTable- Display Packagin
V_I8 SAPMV13A Conditions: Pricing SD - Index
V_NL SDNETPR0 Edit net price list
V_RA SAPMV75B Backorder Processing: Selection Lis
V_R1 SDV03R01 List of Backorders
V_R2 SDV03R02 Display List of Backorders
V_SA SDSAMPRO Collective Proc. Analysis (Deliv.)
V_UC WSUCSTAT Incomplete SD Documents
V_UC_7 WSUCSTAT Incomplete SD Documents
V_V1 SDV03V01 Updating Unconfirmed Sales Document
V_V2 SDV03V02 Updating Sales Documents by Materia
VACF RKAGJOBL Commit. carried forwrd: Sales order
VAKC SAPMV76A Items in Sales Order Configuration
VAKP SAPMV76A Configuration: Maintain T180
VAM4 RVEXREOR Merge: Japan - Commodity Code
VAN1 SAPLKAZB Actual Reval.: Sales Order
VAP1 SAPMF02D Create Contact Person
VAP2 SAPMF02D Change Contact Person
VAP3 SAPMF02D Display Contact Person
VARC RVV90ARC SD: User Guide to Archiving
VARCH RS_CHANGE_VARIAChange report variant
VARD RS_DISPLAY_VARIDisplay report variant
VASK RVVBSKDL Deleting Groups
VA00 MENUVA00 Initial Sales Menu
VA01 SAPMV45A Create Sales Order
VA02 SAPMV45A Change Sales Order
VA03 SAPMV45A Display Sales Order
VA05 SAPMV75A List of Sales Orders
VA07 SDBANF02 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Order)
VA08 SDBANF01 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Org.Dt.
VA11 SAPMV45A Create Inquiry
VA12 SAPMV45A Change Inquiry
VA13 SAPMV45A Display Inquiry
VA14L SDLIEFSPE Sales Documents Blocked for Deliver
VA15 SAPMV75A Inquiries List
VA21 SAPMV45A Create Quotation
VA22 SAPMV45A Change Quotation
VA23 SAPMV45A Display Quotation
VA25 SAPMV75A Quotations List
VA26 SAPMV75A Collective Processing for Quotation
VA31 SAPMV45A Create Scheduling Agreement
VA32 SAPMV45A Change Scheduling Agreement
VA33 SAPMV45A Display Scheduling Agreement
VA35 SAPMV75A List of Scheduling Agreements
VA41 SAPMV45A Create Contract
VA42 SAPMV45A Change Contract
VA42W SAPMV45A Workflow for master contract
VA43 SAPMV45A Display Contract
VA44 SAPLKAZB Actual Overhead: Sales Order
VA45 SAPMV75A List of Contracts
VA46 SAPMV75A Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts
VA51 SAPMV45A Create Item Proposal
VA52 SAPMV45A Change Item Proposal
VA53 SAPMV45A Display Item Proposal
VA55 SAPMV75A List of Item Proposals
VA88 SAPLKO71 Actual Settlement: Sales Orders
VA94 RVEXSOVA Load Commodity Codes for Japan
VA94X RVEXSOJ2 Load Commodity Codes for Japan
VA95 RVEXREOR Merge Commodity Code/Import Code No
VB(D RV15C005 Rebate Agreement Settlement
VB(1 SAPMSNUM Rebate number ranges
VB(7 RV15C001 Rebate Agreement Settlement
VB(8 RV15C002 List Rebate Agreements
VBG1 SAPMV23N Create Material Grouping
VBG2 SAPMV23N Change Material Grouping
VBG3 SAPMV23N Display Material Grouping
VBKB SAPMV12A Bonus Buy: Create Condition Table
VBKC SAPMV12A Bonus Buy: Display Condition Table
VBK0 MENUVBK0 Bonus Buy Selection
VBK1 SAPMV13N Create Bonus Buy
VBK2 SAPMV13N Change Bonus Buy
VBK3 SAPMV13N Display Bonus Buy
VBK6 BBY_DELETE Delete Bonus Buy
VBN1 SAPMV13N Free goods - Create (SD)
VBN2 SAPMV13N Free goods - Change (SD)
VBN3 SAPMV13N Free goods - Display (SD)
VBOE RV15C006 Currency conversion rebate agreemnt
VBOF SDBONT06 Rebate: Update Billing Documents
VBO1 SAPMV13A Create Rebate Agreement
VBO2 SAPMV13A Change Rebate Agreement
VBO3 SAPMV13A Display Rebate Agreement
VB01 SAPMV13G Create Material Listing/Exclusion
VB02 SAPMV13G Change Material Listing/Exclusion
VB03 SAPMV13G Display Material Listing/Exclusion
VB04 SAPMV13G Reference Material Listing/Exclusio
VB11 SAPMV13D Create Material Substitution
VB12 SAPMV13D Change Material Substitution
VB13 SAPMV13D Display Material Substitution
VB14 SAPMV13D Reference Material Substitution
VB21 SAPMV13A Create Sales Deal
VB22 SAPMV13A Change Sales Deal
VB23 SAPMV13A Display Sales Promotion
VB25 RV15C004 List of Sales Deals
VB31 SAPMV13A Create Promotion
VB32 SAPMV13A Change Promotion
VB33 SAPMV13A Display Promotion
VB35 RV15C003 Promotions List
VB41 SAPMV13D Create cross-selling
VB42 SAPMV13D Change cross-selling
VB43 SAPMV13D Display cross-selling
VB44 SAPMV13D Copy cross-selling
VC/A SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 01
VC/B SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 02
VC/C SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 03
VC/D SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 04
VC/E SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 05
VC/F SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 06
VC/G SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 07
VC/H SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 08
VC/I SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 09
VC/J SAPL043B Sales Activity Description 10
VC/1 RVDEB001 List of Customers
VC/2 RVKUSTA1 Customer Master Data Sheet
VCC1 RV21A001 Payment Cards: Worklist
VCH1 SAPMV13H Create Batch Search Strategy
VCH2 SAPMV13H Change Batch Search Strategy
VCH3 SAPMV13H Display Batch Search Strategy
VCR1 SDWETTMAT Competitive products
VCUAC SAPMV13A Display Anti-dumping - Qty-dependen
VCUAE SAPMV13A Display Anti-dumping - Weight-depen
VCUDC SAPMV13A Display 3rd Country - Qty-dependent
VCUDE SAPMV13A Display 3rd Country - Weight-depend
VCUPC SAPMV13A Display Pharma.Prod. - Qty-dependen
VCUPF SAPMV13A Display Pharma.Prod. - Weight-depen
VCUP1 SAPMV13A Display Preference - Qty-dependent
VCUP2 SAPMV13A Display Preference - Weight-depend.
VCUZC SAPMV13A Display Quota - Quantity-dependent
VCUZE SAPMV13A Display Quota - Weight-dependent
VCUZP SAPMV13A Display Ceilings - Percentage
VCUZ1 SAPMV13A Display Ceiling - Quantity-dependen
VCUZ2 SAPMV13A Display Ceiling - Weight-dependent
VC00 MENUVC00 Sales Support
VC01 SAPMV43A Create Sales Activity
VC01N SD_CONTACT_MAINEdit Sales Activity
VC02 SAPMV43A Change Sales Activity
VC03 SAPMV43A Display Sales Activity
VC05 SDCAS75C Sales support monitor
VC06 SAPMV43M Parallel Processing for Address Lis
VC15 SDCAS_CROSS_MATCrossmatching
VDDI SDEWUDEB EMU currency conversion cust. maste
VDH1 RVKNVH00 Customer Hierarchy Maintenance (SD)
VDH1N RV_CUSTOMER_HIEDisplay/Maintain Customer Hierarchy
VDH2 RVKNVH00 Display Customer Hierarchy
VDH2N RV_CUSTOMER_HIEDisplay customer hierarchy
VD01 SAPMF02D Create Customer (Sales)
VD02 SAPMF02D Change Customer (Sales)
VD03 SAPMF02D Display Customer (Sales)
VD04 SAPMF01A Customer Changes (SD)
VD05 SAPMF02D Block customer (sales)
VD06 SAPMF02D Mark customer for deletion (sales)
VD07 SAPL0ORG Ref. doc. det. for ref. customer
VD51 SAPMV10A Maintain Customer-Material Info
VD52 SAPMV10A Maintain Cust-Mat.Info w/Select.Scr
VD53 SAPMV10A Display Customer-Material Info
VD54 SAPMV10A Display Customer-Material Info
VD59 RV10A100 List customer-material-info
VEB1 RVEX0MAB Period-end Closings: Control
VEB2 RVEX0MAB DtA: Special Rule Countries/Regions
VEB5 RMPREF04 Calculate Assemblies Individually
VEB6 RMPREF03 Calculate Assemblies Collectively
VEB9 SAPMSMOD Customer Exits: Print Control
VECN MENUVECN Profitability and Sales Accounting
VEI1 RVEXIDCA Display IDoc Import
VEI2 RVEXIDCA Display IDoc Export
VEI3 SAPMV13A Display Stat.Value - Subcontracting
VEI4 RVEXREOR Merge: Remaining Commodity Codes
VEI5 SAPMV13A Create value limit subcontracting
VEI6 RSEIDOCD EDI: IDoc List - Import Basis
VEKU RVEXVEKU For. Trade: Change KOBRA Documents
VEM4 RVEXREOR Merge: EU - Commodity Code
VEU4 RVEXSOVA Load Commodity Code-Other Countries
VEU4X RVEXSOS2 Load Commodity Code-Other Countries
VE01 RVEXST00 INTRASTAT: Selection Dispatch to EU
VE02 RVEXPAID INTRASTAT: Create Form - Germany
VE03 RVEXDAID INTRASTAT: Create File - Germany
VE04 RVEXEX00 EXTRASTAT: Data selection for expor
VE05 RVEXDEID EXTRASTAT: Create File - Germany
VE06 RVEXPAIB INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien
VE07 RVEXPAIF Create INTRASTAT Form for France
VE08 RVEXDAII Create INTRASTAT File for Italy
VE09 RVEXDAIB Create INTRASTAT file for Belgium
VE10 RVEXDAIH Create INTRASTAT file for Holland
VE11 RVEXDAIE Create INTRASTAT file for Spain
VE12 RVEXPAIH Create INTRASTAT form for Holland
VE13 RVEXKO00 KOBRA data selection: export German
VE14 RVEXDOID Create KOBRA file for Germany
VE16 RVEXPAIA Create INTRASTAT form for Austria
VE17 RVEXPAIV Create INTRASTAT form for Sweden
VE18 RVEXSE00 SED data selection for USA exporter
VE19 RVEXPEIS Create SED form for USA
VE20 RVEXDEIS Create AERP file for USA
VE21 RVEXCH00 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.
VE22 RVEXPAIC Create VAR form for Switzerland
VE23 RVEXDEIC V.A.R.: File - Switzerland
VE24 RVEXKAAL_99 Comm. Code Number Information (old
VE24X RVEXKAA2 Commodity Code Information
VE25 RVEXSE01 SED: Selection: USA Carriers
VE27 RVEXPHMF HMF: Selection - USA
VE29 RVEXAU01 Assigned Documents for Each License
VE30 RVEXAU02 Existing licenses
VE31 RVEXAU03 Blocked SD Documents
VE32 RVEXPAIR INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Ireland
VE34 RVEXPAIB INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien
VE38 RVEXST00 INTRASTAT: Selection Simulation - E
VE39 RVEXEX00 EXTRASTAT: Selection Simulation
VE40 RVEXKO00 KOBRA: Selection Simulation
VE41 RVEXCH00 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.
VE43 RVEXSE00 SED: Selection Exp. USA Simulation
VE44 RVEXSE01 SED: Select Carrier USA Simulation
VE45 RVEXPAIG INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Greece
VE54 RMPREF01 Preference Determination: Collectiv
VE55 RMPREF02 Preference Determination: Individua
VE56 RVEXKOCU Check Export Control for Consistenc
VE67 RMLEVE00 Aggregate Vendor Declarations
VE68 RMLEBI00 Request Vendor Declarations
VE72 RVEXSBPR Export - Billing Documents
VE73 RVEXWAPA_99 Goods Catalog: Create Document
VE74 RVEXWADA Goods Catalog: Create Diskette
VE81 RVEXKOM1 Check Report: General FT Data
VE81X RVEXKOMA Incompleteness: FT Material Data
VE82 RVEXKOM2 Check Report: Export Control Data
VE82X RVEXKOMA Incompleteness: Export Control Data
VE83 RVEXKOM3 Check Report: Preference Data
VE83X RVEXKOMA Incompleteness: Preference Material
VE84 RMLEVE00 Monitoring: Purchasing Info Records
VE85 SAPMV13A Change Statistical Value - Import
VE86 SAPMV13A Display Statistical Value - Import
VE87 SAPMV13A Change Stat.Value - Subcontracting
VE88 SAPMV13A Change Statistical Value - Export
VE89 SAPMV13A Display Statistical Value - Export
VE90 SAPMV13A Change preference values
VE91 SAPMV13A Display Preference Values
VE92 RVEXDAIX Create INTRASTAT tape Luxembourg
VE94 RVEXSOVA Load Commodity Code for EU Countrie
VE94X RVEXSOE2 Load Commodity Code for EU Countrie
VE95 RVEXPAIP Create INTRASTAT papers: Portugal
VE96 RVEXEX01 EXTRASTAT Data Select.: Init. Scree
VE97 RVEXDEIH Create EXTRASTAT tape: Netherlands
VE98 RVEXPAST Sales Invoice Values per Period
VE99 RVEXPEIA Create Document - Austria
VFBS SAPLV00A Next screen control
VFBV SDBONTO4 Reorganization of discount-rel. dat
VFLI SAPMSVMA Log tax exemption
VFRB SDREBI01 Retro-billing
VFSN SDS060RB Reorganization info structure S060
VFS3 SDS060RC Adjusting info structure S060
VFX2 SAPMV60A Display Blocked Billing Documents
VFX3 SDBLBDDL List Blocked Billing Documents
VF00 MENUVF00 9Sales organization & is not define
VF01 SAPMV60A Create Billing Document
VF02 SAPMV60A Change Billing Document
VF03 SAPMV60A Display Billing Document
VF04 SDBILLDL Maintain Billing Due List
VF05 SAPMV65A List Billing Documents
VF06 RV60SBAT Batch billing
VF07 SAPMV60A Display bill. document from archive
VF08 GNBILLDL Billing for ext. delivery
VF11 SAPMV60A Cancel Billing Document
VF21 SAPMV60A Create Invoice List
VF22 SAPMV60A Change invoice list
VF23 SAPMV60A Display Invoice List
VF24 SDINVLDL Edit Work List for Invoice Lists
VF25 SAPMV65B List of Invoice Lists
VF26 SAPMV60A Cancellation invoice list
VF27 SAPMV60A Display invoice list from archive
VF31 SD70AV3A Output from Billing Documents
VF44 SDERAV01 Revenue Recognition: Worklist
VF45 SDRRAV51 Revenue recognition: Revenue report
VF46 SDERAV05 Revenue Recognition: Cancellation
VF47 SDRRAV52 Revenue Recognition:ConsistencyChec
VGK1 SAPMV08A Create Group for Delivery
VGK2 SAPMV08A Change Group for Delivery
VGK3 SAPMV08A Display Group for Delivery
VGL1 SAPMV08A Create Group for Delivery
VGL2 SAPMV08A Change Group for Delivery
VGL3 SAPMV08A "Display Group for Delivery"
VGW1 SAPMV08A Create Picking Wave
VGW2 SAPMV08A Change Picking Waves
VGW3 SAPMV08A Display Picking Waves
VG01 SAPMV08A Create Group
VG02 SAPMV08A Change Group
VG03 SAPMV08A Display Group
VIBA RVEXSBPR Send IDoc Output-AES-Initial Procg
VIBB RVEXSBPR Send IDoc Output-AES-Repeat Procg
VIBC RVEXSBPR Send IDoc Output-AES-Error in Procg
VIBD RVEXAUDI Printing: Analysis form data audit
VIBN RVSAAREI Monitor messages
VIB1 RVEXSBPR Send IDoc Output
VIB2 RVEXSBPR Call Print Program From VI10/VI14
VIB3 RVEXBSST Foreign Trade Output Status
VIB4 RVEXSBPR Print Transaction: Initial Procg
VIB5 RVEXSBPR Print Transaction: Repeat Procg
VIB6 RVEXSBPR Print Transaction: Error in Procg
VIB7 RVEXSBPR Send IDoc Output - Initial Procg
VIB8 RVEXSBPR Send IDoc Output - Repeat Procg
VIB9 RVEXSBPR Send IDoc Output - Error in Procg
VICC RV54IVCC Convert format currency field
VICI RV54FRIN Call shipment info via CALL TRANS
VIC00 RV54_CUST_CHECKConsistency Check IMG ShpmtCostCalc
VIEX RVFTJOEX FT: Journal Export Actual
VIE4 RVEXINDA Incompleteness Periodic Declaration
VIFBW VTRBWVIFBW Reorg: Shipment Costs in BW
VIIM RVFTJOIM FT: Op. Cockpit: Purchase order
VII4 RVEXREOR Merge: Rest - Import Code Number
VIJ1 RVFTCMPL Journal Import
VIJ2 RVFTCMPL Journal Export
VILI RVFTJOLI FT: Export Deliveries Journal
VIMM RVEXMINE Decl. Recpts/Disptch Min. Oil Prod.
VIMU RVEXREOR Foreign Trade: Comparison of codes
VIM4 RVEXREOR Merge: EU - Import Code Number
VIM6 SAPMSMOD Customer Exits: Data Selection
VIPL SAPMV13A Display Customs Duty for Ceiling
VIR1 RVFTCMPL Import Reorg. - Incompleteness
VIR2 RVFTCMPL Export Reorg. - Incompleteness
VIS3 RVEXWUMA Check program: Cross-plant
VIUL RVFTUFTU Foreign Trade: Data Upload
VIU4 RVEXSOVA Load Import Code No.-Other Countrie
VIU4X RVEXSOS1 Load Import Code No.-Other Countrie
VIWAX SAPLV50E Display FT Data in Goods Issue
VIWBX SAPLV50E Change FT Data in Goods Issue
VIWE RVFTJOWE FT: Op. Cockpit: Goods Receipt
VI00 MENUVI00 Shipment costs
VI01 SAPMV54A Create shipment costs
VI02 SAPMV54A Change shipment costs
VI03 SAPMV54A Display shipment costs
VI08 SAPMV52A Display FT data in purchasing doc.
VI08X SAPLV50E Display FT data in purchasing doc.
VI09 SAPMV52A Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.
VI09X SAPLV50E Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.
VI10 SAPMV52A Display FT Data in Billing Document
VI10X SAPLV50E Display FT Data in Billing Document
VI14 SAPMV52A Change FT Data in Billing Document
VI14X SAPLV50E Change FT Data in Billing Document
VI15 RV54PROT Display logs (appl. log)
VI17 SAPMV52A Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI17X SAPLV50E Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI18 SAPMV13A Display Anti-dumping
VI19 SAPMV13A Display Third-country Customs Dutie
VI20 SAPMV13A Display Customs Quota
VI21 SAPMV13A Display Pharmaceutical Products
VI22 SAPMV13A Display Customs Exemption
VI23 SAPMV13A Display Preferential Customs Duties
VI24 RVEXKAAL_99 Code Number Information - Import
VI24X RVEXKAA1 Import Code No. Information
VI25 SAPMV13A Display Gross Price - Customs
VI26 SAPMV13A Display Surcharge/Discount - Custom
VI27 SAPMV13A Display Freight - Customs
VI53 SAPMV52A Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI53X SAPLV50E Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery
VI64 SAPMV52A Display FT Data in Outbound Deliver
VI64X SAPLV50E Display FT Data in Outbound Deliver
VI71 SAPMV13A Change Preference Values
VI72 SAPMV13A Display Insurance - Customs
VI73 SAPMVEI1 Maintain Vendor Declaration
VI73N RVFTPRLP Maintain Vendor Declaration
VI74 SAPMVEI1 Display Vendor Declaration
VI74N RVFTPRLA Display Vendor Declaration
VI75 RMLEBI00 Vendor Declarations - Dunning notic
VI77 SAPMV52A Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery
VI77X SAPLV50E Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery
VI79 SAPMV52A Display FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI79X SAPLV50E Display FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI80 SAPMV52A Change FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI80X SAPLV50E Change FT Data in Goods Receipt
VI81 RVEXKOM4 Check Report: CAP Products
VI81X RVEXKOMA Check Report: CAP Products
VI82 RVEXKOK1 Check General Customer Master Data
VI82X RVEXKOKU Incompleteness: FT Customer Data
VI83 RVEXKOK2 Check Customer Master/Legal Control
VI83X RVEXKOKU Incompleteness:Customer Control Dat
VI84 RVEXKOK3 Doc.Payments: Check Customer Master
VI84X RVEXKOKU Billing Doc.Incompleteness Customer
VI85 RVEXKOLI Incompleteness: Foreign Trade Vendo
VI86 RVEXWUMA Incompleteness: Cross-plant
VI90 RVEXEARF Fill Foreign Components in BOMs
VI91 RVEXEARA Display Foreign Components in BOMs
VI94 RVEXSOVA Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries
VI94X RVEXSOE1 Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries
VI96 SAPMSMOD Customer Exits: Default Values
VI98 RVIVST00 Receipt-Basis for Intercomp.Billing
VI99 RMEXST00 Returns and Credit Memos
VK+C SD_CMDC0 Condition master data check
VKAR RWVKUAR1 Read Archive File
VKAW RWVKUAW1 Generate Archive File
VKC1 SAPMV13H Create General Strategy
VKC2 SAPMV13H Change General Strategy
VKC3 SAPMV13H Display General Strategy
VKDV SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: RV_SNKOM
VKM1 RVKRED02 Blocked SD Documents
VKM2 RVKRED03 Released SD Documents
VKM3 RVKRED04 Sales Document
VKM4 RVKRED01 SD Documents
VKM5 RVKRED05 Delivery
VKPB RWVKP011 Sales price calc. in background run
VKPR RWVKPAR1 Read archive file
VKP0 MENUVKP0 Sales Price Calculation
VKP1 RWVKP001 Sales price calculation
VKP2 RWVKP005 Display POS Conditions
VKP3 RWVKP003 Pricing document for material
VKP4 RWVKP004 Pricing document for org. structure
VKP5 RWVKP007 Create Calculation
VKP6 RWVKP006 Change pricing document
VKP7 RWVKP006 Display pricing document
VKP8 RWVKP001 Display Price Calculation
VKP9 RWVKP014 Currency conversion in price calc.
VKU1 RWVKU001 Report: Reval at Rtl for Rtl Pr.Chn
VKU10 RWVKU004 Correction of Valuation at Retail
VKU11 RWVKU005 Delete Count Document Items
VKU2 SAPMWB01 Total Revaluation at Retail
VKU3 SAPMWB01 Partial Revaluation at Retail
VKU4 RWVKU002 Rtl Revaluation Docs for Material
VKU5 SAPMWB01 Display Retail Revaluation Document
VKU6 RWVKU001 Report: List Crtn for Rtl Pr. Chang
VKU7 RWVKU001 Report: Total Reval. for Rtl Pr. Ch
VKU8 RWVKU003 Test Transaction BAPI Count List
VKU9 RWVKU004 Rtl Reval. Correction: List Display
VKVF RV12D100 Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem
VKVG RV12D101 Maintain Condition Elements
VKVI RVVIEWPF General View Maintenance - W.Qualif
VKXX SAPMV13A Create Test for RKA
VKYY SAPMV13A Change Test for RKA
VKZZ SAPMV13A Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions
VK01 RV12D101 Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem
VK03 SAPMV12A Create Condition Table
VK04 SAPMV12A Change Condition Table
VK05 SAPMV12A Display Condition Table
VK11 SAPMV13A Create Condition
VK12 SAPMV13A Change Condition
VK13 SAPMV13A Display Condition
VK14 SAPMV13A Create Condition with Reference
VK15 SAPMV13A Create Condition
VK16 SAPMV13A Create Condition with Reference
VK17 SAPMV13A Change condition
VK18 SAPMV13A Display condition
VK19 SAPMV13A Change Condition Without Menu
VK20 SAPMV13A Display Condition Without Menu
VK31 SAPMV13A Condition Maintenance: Create
VK32 SAPMV13A Condition Maintenance: Change
VK33 SAPMV13A Condition Maintenance: Display
VK34 SAPMV13A Condition Maint.: Create with Refer
VLBT WS_DELIVERY_BATPlan Delivery Creation as a Job
VLE1 MENUVLE1 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK1 MENUVLK1 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK2 MENUVLK2 Picking with Picking Waves
VLK3 MENUVLK3 Picking with Picking Waves
VLLA RVGLVANA RWE: Picking/Goods Issue Analysis
VLLC SAPMV53C RWE: Archive Data
VLLD SAPMV53C Rough Workload Forecast: Delete Log
VLLE RVGLVANA RWE: Goods Receipt/Putaway Analysis
VLLF SAPMV53C Picking Waves: Archive Data
VLLG RVGLVANA RWE: Analyze Complete Overview
VLLP SAPMV53C Rough Workload Forecast: Display Lo
VLLQ RVGLVANA RWE: Returns to Vendor Analysis
VLLR RVGLVANA RWE: Customer/Store Return Analysis
VLLS SAPMMCSC Var. Stand. Analyses Setting App 42
VLLV SAPMV53C W&S: Control RWE/Picking Waves
VLPOD SAPMV50A POD - Change Outbound Delivery
VLPODA SAPMV50A POD - Display Outbound Delivery
VLPODF WSPODLIST2 Worklist: POD Subsequent Processing
VLPODL WSPODLIST1 Worklist: POD Deliveries
VLPODQ WSPODLIST4 Automatic PoD Confirmation
VLSP RLEDSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
VLSPS SAPLV53SD Outbound Delivery Split via HU Scan
VLUNIV SAPMV50A Change Delivery (General)
VL00 MENUVL00 Shipping
VL01 SAPMV50A Create Delivery
VL01N SAPMV50A Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref
VL01NO SAPMV50A Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.
VL02 SAPMV50A Change Outbound Delivery
VL02N SAPMV50A Change Outbound Delivery
VL03 SAPMV50A Display Outbound Delivery
VL03N SAPMV50A Display Outbound Delivery
VL04 RV50SBT1 Process Delivery Due List
VL06 WS_DELIVERY_MONDelivery Monitor
VL06C WS_MONITOR_OUTBList Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation
VL06D WS_MONITOR_OUTBOutbound Deliveries for Distributio
VL06F WS_MONITOR_OUTBGeneral delivery list - Outb.deliv.
VL06G WS_MONITOR_OUTBList of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issu
VL06I WS_DELIVERY_MONInbound Delivery Monitor
VL06IC WS_MONITOR_INB_Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv.
VL06ID WS_MONITOR_INB_Inbound Deliveries for Distribution
VL06IF WS_MONITOR_INB_Selection inbound deliveries
VL06IG WS_MONITOR_INB_Inbound deliveries for goods receip
VL06IP WS_MONITOR_INB_Inbound deliveries for putaway
VL06L WS_MONITOR_OUTBOutbound Deliveries to be Loaded
VL06O WS_DELIVERY_MONOutbound Delivery Monitor
VL06P WS_MONITOR_OUTBList of Outbound Dlvs for Picking
VL06T WS_MONITOR_OUTBList Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning
VL06U WS_MONITOR_OUTBList of Uncheckd Outbound Deliverie
VL08 SAPMV50B Confirmation of Picking Request
VL09 RVV50L09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Not
VL10I RVV50R1A Schedule Lines due for Delivery
VL10X RVV50R10_PRESTEVL10 (technical)
VL13 RVDVVL11 "Create Deliveries in Dec.Shipping"
VL21 RVV50L21 Post goods issue in background
VL22 WSCDSHOW Display Delivery Change Documents
VL23 RV50BTCH Goods Issue (Background Processing)
VL23N RV50BTCH Goods Issue (Background Processing)
VL30 MENUVL30 Shipping
VL31 SAPMV50B Create Inbound Delivery
VL31N SAPMV50A Create Inbound Delivery
VL31W SAPMV50AWIB Create Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB
VL32 SAPMV50A Change Inbound Delivery
VL32N SAPMV50A Change Inbound Delivery
VL32W SAPMV50AWIB Change Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB
VL33 SAPMV50A Display Inbound Delivery
VL33N SAPMV50A Display Inbound Delivery
VL34 RM06EANL Worklist Inbound Deliveries
VL35 SAPMV53W Create Wave Picks: Delivery/Time
VL35_S SAPMV53W Create Wave Picks: Shipment
VL36 SAPMV53W Change Picking Waves
VL37 SAPMV53M Wave Pick Monitor
VL38 SDSAMPRO Groups Created: Wave Picks
VL39 RV130009 Billing Documents for Wave Picks
VL41 SAPMV50B Create Rough GR
VL42 SAPMV50A Change Rough GR
VL43 SAPMV50A Display Rough GR
VL51 SAPLV51B Create Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL52 SAPLV51B Change Route Schedule: Initial Scr.
VL53 SAPLV51B Display Route Schedule: Initial Scr
VL70 SD70AV4A Output From Picking Lists
VL71 SD70AV2A Output from Outbound Deliveries
VL72 SD70AV5A Output from Groups of Deliveries
VL73 RVLRUENA "Confirmation of Decentr.Deliveries
VL74 SD70AV6A Output from Handling Units
VL75 MM70AE1A Shipping Notification Output
VL76 MM70AM1A Output from Rough Goods Receipt
VM01 SAPMV03D Create Hazardous Material
VM02 SAPMV03D Change Hazardous Material
VM03 SAPMV03D Display Hazardous Material
VNEA SAPMV12A Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough G
VNEB SAPMV12A Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif
VNE1 SAPMV12A Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif.
VNE2 SAPMV12A Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif
VNKP SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: RV_VEKP
VN10 SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: SD_SCALE
VOA0 SAPMV76A Order Information Configuration
VOA01 SD_LIST_USEREXIUser exit lists sales
VOA1 SAPMV76A Inquiry Information Configuration
VOA2 SAPMV76A Quotation Information Configuration
VOA3 SAPMV76A Configuration of Sched.Agreemt Info
VOA4 SAPMV76A Contract Information Configuration
VOA5 SAPMV76A Product Proposal Info. Configuratio
VOBO SAPMV76A Config.for Backorder Processing
VOB3 RV15B002 Comparison: Bill. Docs and Stats
VOC0 SAPMV76A Contract List Configuration
VOC1 SAPMV76A Customizing for List of Addresses
VOD5 SAPMV76A Configuration Cust.Indeped.Reqs.Inf
VOEX RVFTOPEX Incompleteness: Billing Document
VOFM SAPMV80H Configuration for Reqs; Formulae
VOFN SDCLVOFM Call Up Transaction VOFM
VOF0 SAPMV76A Configuration of Billing Informatio
VOF01 SD_LIST_USEREXIUser exit lists sales
VOF02 SD_LIST_USEREXIUser exit lists sales
VOF1 SAPMV76A Configuration: Collective Billing
VOF2 SAPMV76A Configuration Invoice List Info
VOF3 SAPMV76A Edit Work List for Invoice Lists
VOIM RVFTOPIM Incompleteness: Purchase Order
VOKF SAPMV76A Configuration Release of CustPrice
VOKR SAPMV76A Configuration of Credit Release
VOK0 SAPMV80Z Conditions: Pricing in Customizing
VOK1 SAPMV80C Account Determination: Customizing
VOK2 SAPMV80B Output Determination
VOK3 SAPMM06N Message Determination: Purchasing
VOK4 SAPMM07N Output Determination: Inventory Mgm
VOLI RVFTOPLI Incompleteness: Delivery
VOL0 SAPMV76A Delivery Information Configuration
VOL01 SD_LIST_USEREXIUser exit lists sales
VOL1 SAPMV76A Configuration: Collective Dlv.Proc.
VOL6 SAPMV76A Configure information on
VOL7 SAPMV76A Settings for Packing
VOPA SAPMV80P Configuration: Partner
VOPAN SAPLV09F Customizing Partners
VOP2 SAPL0Q19 Configuration: Partner
VORA SAPL0VAR Archiving Control for Sales Doc.
VORD RV56VORD Route definition (to R/3 vers. 3.1)
VORF RV56VORF Route Definition (Up To Rel. 4.0B)
VORK SAPL0VAR Archiving Control for Sales Activit
VORL SAPL0VAR Archiving Control for Delivery
VORN SAPL0VAR Central Archiving Control
VORR SAPL0VAR Archiving Control for Billing Docs
VOTX SAPMV80T Configuration: Texts
VOTXN SAPLV81TN Maintain Text Customizing
VOVS SD_TVSTAT Define Status in Overview Screen
VOWE RVFTOPWE Incompleteness: Goods Receipt
VPE1 SDPERS01 Create sales representative
VPE2 SDPERS01 Change sales representative
VPE3 SDPERS01 Display sales representative
VPM4 RVEXREOR Merge: Japan - Import Code Number
VPNR RFTP_VIEW_PNR View of the active PNR in 1A
VPN1 SAPMSNUM Number Range for Contact Person
VPRE RV130008 PRICAT manual creation
VPSK SAPL080L DisplPartnDetProc.f.each Activ.Type
VPS2 SAPL080L Maintain Partn.Det.Proc.f.eachActTy
VP94 RVEXSOVA Load Import Code No. for Japan
VP94X RVEXSOJ1 Load Import Code No. for Japan
VRLI RVFTRELI FT: Reorg. T609S Delivery
VRRE SAPMV45A Returns Delivery for RMA Order
VRWE RVFTREWE FT: Reorg. T609S Goods Receipt
VSB1 SAPLVEDSBWAPR Self-Billing Proc. Inbound Monitor
VS00 MENUVS00 SD Main Menu for Customer
VS01 SAPMV57A Create Scale
VS02 SAPMV57A Change Scale
VS03 SAPMV57A Display Scale
VS04 SAPMV57A Create Scale with Reference
VS05 RV57SCLI List Scales
VTBT RV56BTCH Report for Definition of Batch Run
VTBW VTRBWVTBWNEW Reorg.: Shipment Data in BW
VTDOCU RV56DOCU Tech. documentation transportation
VTFAKT RV56FAKT Bill Deliveries
VTRS SAPLVVTR XSI: Carrier: Master Data
VTWABU RV56WABU Post goods issue
VT00 MENUVT00 Transportation
VT01 SAPMV56A Old: Create Shipment
VT01N SAPMV56A Create Shipment
VT02 SAPMV56A Old: Change Shipment
VT02N SAPMV56A Change Shipment
VT03 SAPMV56A Old: Display Shipment
VT03N SAPMV56A Display Shipment
VT04 RV56TRGN Transportation Worklist
VT10 RV56TRST Select shipments: Start
VT18 RV56HELP Start F4 Help Shipping
VT19 RV56STSM Shipment Tendering Status Monitor
VT20 RV56OSSM Overall Shipment Process Monitor
VT22 TPSTSHOW_LISTVIDisplay Change-Document Shipment
VT30 RV56TNDR Initial internet tran for shipment
VT30N SAPMV56_CAR_PL_Tendering Events for Carriers
VT31 RV56TNDR Shipment tendering
VT31C RV56TNDR_DISP_OCustmizing screen for shipment tend
VT31N RV56TRSL Selection Variants for Fwdg Agents
VT32 RV56TNDR Shipment Status list
VT33 SAPMV56_CAR_PL_Ship.Planning for Carriers
VT34 SAPMV56_CAR_PL_Event Reports for Carriers via HTML
VT34M SAPMV56_CAR_PL_Event Reports for Carriers via WML
VT60 RV56LMTP Transfer Location Master Data to TP
VT61 RV56LFTP Ext. transport. planning deliveries
VT62 RV56LFTPC Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent
VT63 RV56CFPSTAT Freight Plng Status from Deliveries
VT68 RV56LFDL Deallocate delivery from TPS
VT69 RV56LFDLC Plan Deliveries from Freight Plng
VT70 SD70AV7A Output for Shipments
VUA2 SAPL080J Maintain Doc.Type Incompletion Proc
VUA3 SAPL080H Display Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.
VUE2 SAPL080J Maintain Sched.Line Incompletion Pr
VUE3 SAPL080J Display Sched.Line Incompletion Pro
VUPA SAPL080J Display Partner Incompletion Proc.
VUP2 SAPL080J Maintain Item Incompletion Procedur
VUP3 SAPLO80J Display Item Incompletion Procedure
VVG1 SAPMV13B Create Output: Group
VVG2 SAPMV13B Change output: Groups
VVG3 SAPMV13B Display Output: Group
VV11 SAPMV13B Create Output: Sales
VV12 SAPMV13B Change output: Sales
VV13 SAPMV13B Display Output: Sales
VV21 SAPMV13B Create Output: Shipping
VV22 SAPMV13B Change output: Shipping
VV23 SAPMV13B Display Output: Shipping
VV31 SAPMV13B Create Output : Billing
VV32 SAPMV13B Change output: Billing
VV33 SAPMV13B Display Output: Billing
VV51 SAPMV13B Create Output for Sales Activity
VV52 SAPMV13B Change Output: Sales Activity
VV53 SAPMV13B Display Output: Sales Activity
VV61 SAPMV13B Create Output: Handling Units
VV62 SAPMV13B Change Output: Handling Unit
VV63 SAPMV13B Display Output: Handling Unit
VV71 SAPMV13B Create Output: Transportation
VV72 SAPMV13B Change Output: Transportation
VV73 SAPMV13B Display Output: Transportation
VW01 SAPMV45W SD Scenario 'Incoming Orders'
VW02 SAPMV45Y SD Scenario 'Freedom to Shop'
VW10 SAPMV45X SD Scenario 'Order Status'
VXA1 RVEXAK10 Docs Assigned to Financial Document
VXA2 RVEXAK30 Existing Financial Documents
VXA3 RVKREDLC Financial Documents: Blocked Docs
VXA4 RVEXAK47 Financial Documents: Simulation
VXA5 RVEXAKNS Document. Payments: Print Monitorin
VXA7 RVEXAK47 Documentary Payments: Simulation
VXBC RVEXSLIC SLS: List of Blocked Customers
VXDA RVEXSLAD SLS: Audit Trail - Customer Master
VXDG MENUVXDG Export Control
VXDP MENUVXDP Declarations to the Authorities
VXDV RVEXSLDV List of Expiring SLS Records
VXGK MENUVXGK Export Control
VXIE MENUVXIE Maintain Foreign Trade Data
VXJ0 RVEXPJP0 Foreign Trade: MITI Decl. - Japan
VXJ3 RVEXJPST Foreign Trade: Import Decl. Japan
VXKA RVEXSLAK SLS: Audit Trail: Vendor Master
VXKD MENUVXKD Declarations to the Authorities
VXKP SAPMV76A Configuration: Maintain Tables T180
VXLA RVEXSLDA Legal Control: SLS - Audit Trail
VXLB RVEXSLSA Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Address
VXLC RVEXSLCC SLS: Vendor Check - Scenario 3
VXLD RVEXSLDE Legal Control: SLS - List Display
VXLE RVEXSLCE SLS: Scenario 5 - Vendor Master
VXLP RVEXSLKA Legal Control: SLS: Keyword: Addres
VXLU RVEXSLUL Legal Control: SLS - Data Service
VXLX RVEXSLS1 Legal Control: SLS: Sim. Customer
VXLY RVEXSLS2 Legal Control: SLS: Sim. Deliv.
VXLZ RVEXSLS3 Sanctioned Party List Screen
VXL1 RVEXSLC1 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 1
VXL2 RVEXSLC2 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 2
VXL3 RVEXSLC3 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 3
VXL4 RVEXSLC4 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 4
VXL5 RVEXSLC5 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 5
VXL6 RVEXSLSD Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Customer
VXL7 RVEXSLKW Legal Control: SLS: Search Terms
VXL8 RVSCDFSL Legal Control: SLS: Change History
VXL9 RVEXSLSK Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Vendor
VXME MENUVXME Declarations to the Authorities
VXMO MENUVXMO Common Agricultural Policy
VXPR MENUVXPR Export Control
VXSE MENUVXSE Declarations to the Authorities
VXSIM RVEXIMSI Simulate Import
VXSL MENUVXSL Foreign Trade: Area Menu SLS
VXSW RVEXMMSW Mass change material commodity code
VXS1 SAPMVFSL Legal Control: SLS: Create Entry
VXS2 SAPMVFSL Ges. Kontrolle: SLS: Change Entry
VXS3 SAPMVFSL Legal Control: SLS: Display Entry
VX0C MENUVX0C Foreign Trade: Customizing Menu
VX00 MENUVX00 Export Control
VX01 SAPMV52E Create license (old)
VX01N SAPMV52E Create license
VX01X SAPMV52E Create control record (new)
VX02 SAPMV52E Change license (old)
VX02N SAPMV52E Change license
VX02X SAPMV52E Change control record (new)
VX03 SAPMV52E Display license (old)
VX03N SAPMV52E Display license
VX03X SAPMV52E Display control record (new)
VX04N SAPMV52E Maintain license
VX07 RVEXSIAU Simulation: License Check
VX08 RVEXSIBO Simulation: Boycott List Check
VX09 RVEXSIEM Simulation: Embargo Check
VX11 SAPMV86E Create Financial Document
VX11N SAPMV86E Create financial document
VX11X SAPMV86E Create Financial Document
VX12 SAPMV86E Change Financial Document
VX12N SAPMV86E Change Financial Document
VX12X SAPMV86E Change Financial Document
VX13 SAPMV86E Display Financial Document
VX13N SAPMV86E Display financial document
VX13X SAPMV86E Display Financial Document
VX14N SAPMV86E Maintain financial documents
VX16 RVEXAU04 BAFA diskette: Selection
VX17 RVFTGKMD Create BAFA diskette
VX22 SAPMV52G Change license data (old)
VX22N SAPLV52E Change License Data
VX23 SAPMV52G Display license data (old)
VX23N SAPLV52E Display license data
VX24N SAPLV52E Maintain control data
VX30 RVEXVEMA Legal Control: Export Ctrl Class
VX94 RVCHEMAB Declarations to Authorities: Check
VX98 SAPMV52A Displ.FT Data in Purch.Doc.-INTERNE
VX99 SAPMV99E FT/Customs: General overview
V101 MENUVA00 Initial Sales Menu
V12L_A SAPMV14A Create Pricing Report
V12L_B SAPMV14A Change Pricing Report
V12L_C SAPMV14A Display Pricing Report
V12L_D SAPMV14A Execute Pricing Report
V12LCA SAPMV14A Create Pricing Report
V12LCB SAPMV14A Change Pricing Report
V23 SDFAKSPE Sales Documents Blocked for Billing
V633 SAPL0VAR "Customer Conversion Dec.Shipping"
WA/A SAPMV13B Mess.Deter.; Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.
WA/B SAPMV13B Mess.Deter.;Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Re
WA/C SAPMV13B Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Re
WA/1 SAPMV12A Create Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc Notif
WA/2 SAPMV12A Ch. Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc. Notif.
WA/3 SAPMV12A Displ. Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc Notif
WAA01 BUSSTART WA Create (Auth-Apprvd Waste Genrtr
WAA02 BUSSTART WA Change (Auth-Apprvd Waste Genrtr
WAA03 BUSSTART WA Display (Auth-Apprvd Waste Gnrtr
WAA04 BUSSTART WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Waste Gener.
WAA10 BUSSTART WA Create (Auth-Apprvd Waste Dispsr
WAA11 BUSSTART WA Change (Auth-Apprvd Waste Dispsr
WAA12 BUSSTART WA Display (AuthApprvd Waste Dispsr
WAA13 BUSSTART WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Wst Disposer
WAA19 BUSSTART WA Create (AuthApprvd Waste Transp.
WAA20 BUSSTART WA Change (AuthApprvd Waste Transp.
WAA21 BUSSTART WA Display (AuthApprvd Waste Trnsp.
WAA22 BUSSTART WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Wst Transp.)
WAA23 BUSSTART WA Create (Authority)
WAA24 BUSSTART WA Change (Authority)
WAA25 BUSSTART WA Display (Authority)
WAA26 BUSSTART WA Extend (Authority)
WACBA RWLWRPLS Archive Posting Lists
WACBL RWLF5002 Restore Posting Lists
WACBLR RWLF4002 Delete Posting Lists from Archive
WACCIA RWLWRCINV Archive Customer Settlements
WACCIR RWLF4006 Delete Archived Customer Settlement
WACLA RWLWRILS Archive Remuneration List
WACLF RWLF5001 Restore Vendor Billing Documents
WACLFA RWLWRINV Archive Vendor Billing Documents
WACLFR RWLF4001 Delete Billing Documents frm Archiv
WACLR RWLF5003 Restore Remuneration Lists
WACLRR RWLF4003 Delete Remuner. Lists from Archive
WACO02 RMWBP00 Waste Workbench
WACRL RWLF5005 Restore Settlement Request Lists
WACRLA RWLWRSLS Archive Settlement Request Lists
WACRLR RWLF4005 Delete Settle. Req.Lists frm Archiv
WACSIA RWLWRSINV Activate Expense Settlements
WACSIR RWLF4007 Delete Archived Expense Settlements
WACZR RWLF5004 Restore Settlement Request
WACZRA RWLWRSMR Archive Settlement Requests
WACZRR RWLF4004 Delete Settlem. Request from Archiv
WAE01 SAPLEHSWA_100 Create Entry Document
WAE02 SAPLEHSWA_100 Change Entry Document
WAE03 SAPLEHSWA_100 Display Entry Document
WAE10 EHSWAR_115_100 Easy Entry
WAFS RBDSEMCD Send Merchandise Category to AFS
WAHD1 RWAHD001 Load Alternative Historical Data
WAHD2 RWAHD002 Change Alternative Historical Data
WAHD3 RWAHD002 Display Alternative Historical Data
WAHD4 RWAHD004 Delete Alternative Historical Data
WAKC RWMFA003 Maintain promotion themes
WAKN RWNASTVP Output bundling promotions
WAKV RWAKT009 Promotion announcement preview
WAK0 MENUWAK0 Promotion management
WAK1 SAPMWAKA Create promotion
WAK10 SAPMWAKA Send reply f. promo. for each plant
WAK11 SAPMWAKA Display promotion for each plant
WAK12 SAPMWAKA Maintain promotion items
WAK13 RWAKT400 Promotion Change Documents
WAK14 RWAKT310 Report RWAKT310 (Promo for mat.)
WAK15 RWAKT320 Report RWAKT320 (promos for plant)
WAK16 RWAKT200 Price activation in background
WAK17 RWAKT210 Batch Allocation Table Generation
WAK18 RWAKT220 Batch Promotion Listing
WAK19 RWAKT230 Batch Promotion Announcement
WAK2 SAPMWAKA Change promotion
WAK20 RWAKT240 Batch Supply Source Determination
WAK3 SAPMWAKA Display promotion
WAK4 SAPMWAKA Delete promotion
WAK5 SAPMWAKA Initial screen - Subseq. processing
WAK6 SAPMWAKA Initial scr.: overv. prices margins
WAK7 SAPMWAKA List promotion materials for plant
WAK8 SAPMWAKA Plant - materials in promotion
WAM01 SAPLEHSWA_200 Create Disposal Documents
WAM02 SAPLEHSWA_200 Edit Disposal Documents
WAM03 SAPLEHSWA_200 Display Disposal Documents
WAM04 SAPLEHSWA_200 Find Disposal Documents
WAM05 SAPLEHSWA_200 Disposal Documents List Display
WAPRL RWLF9005 Settlement Request List - ApplStatu
WAPZR RWLF9004 Payment Docs for Application Status
WAP1 RWAPPT10 Edit Appointments Worklist
WAP2 RWAPPT01 Change Appointments
WAP3 RWAPPT02 Display Appointments
WAP4 RWAPPT04 Appointments: Overview
WAP5 RWAPPT01 Appointment; Departure
WAP6 RWAPPT05 Change Appointment(Indiv. Maintnce)
WAP7 RWAPPT06 Appointments: Plnd/Actual Compariso
WA00 MENUWA00 Allocation Main Menu
WA01 SAPML01A Create Allocation Table
WA02 SAPML01A Change Allocation Table
WA03 SAPML01A Display Allocation Table
WA04 SAPML01A Alloc Tbl Processing: Plant Reply
WA05 SAPMW03A Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate POs
WA06 SAPMW03A Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Deliveries
WA07 SAPMW03A Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Wrhse Order
WA08 RWWGENFB Generate Alloc. Table Follow-On Doc
WA09 RWSDEL1T Deletion of Allocation Tables
WA09H RWSDEL2T Allocation Table Emergency Deletion
WA11 RWSNASTV Message Bundling; Allocation Table
WA12 RWSMAHNG Create Reminders/Accept Plnd Qties
WA14 SAPMWRUECK Reply; Plant
WA15A SAPMV13B Mess.Deter.; Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.
WA15B SAPMV13B Mess.Deter.;Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Re
WA15C SAPMV13B Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Re
WA21 SAPMW02A Create Allocation Rule
WA22 SAPMW02A Change Allocation Rule
WA23 SAPMW02A Display Allocation Rule
WA30 RWSAVI1T Allocation Tables for Objects
WA35 RWSOPAAW Allocation Instruction
WA40 RWAUFNWE Adjust Alloc Tbl After Entering GR
WA50 RWAUREGE Generate Allocation Rule
WA51 RWAUREFV Reassign Gen. Alloc Rules/Plant
WA52 RWAUFR00 Alloc Rule Lists
WA53 RWSVZUKT Create Selection Variants
WA54 RWSARGEN Generate Alloc Rule / Test RIS-L
WA56 RWSGENAR Generate Allocation Rule (SAP BW)
WA60 RWWAGENB Create Selection Variant for PO
WA61 RWWAGENL Create Sel. Var. for Del. Generatio
WB/A SAPMV13B Message deter. promo:create
WB/B SAPMV13B Mess.deter.Promo: chng conditon rec
WB/C SAPMV13B display cond. rec
WB/1 SAPMV12A Sub. cond.;cr. tab; promo announ.
WB/2 SAPMV12A Sub.cond.;change tbl; promo ann.
WB/3 SAPMV12A Sub. cond.; disp. tab; promo ann.
WBBA RWBBANAS Assortment List: Analyze Dates
WBBR RWBBVDEL Reorganize Assort. List Versions
WBBS RWBBSHOW Display Assort. List Versions
WBB0 MENUWBB0 Assortment list applicatiom menu
WBDEMO WB_USER_INTERFAWorkbench Demo: Template Interface
WBF1 RWBEF100 IS-R: Stock Overview; Empties
WBF2 RWBEF200 Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans.
WBLR RWLF2010 Create posting lists using report
WBLRB RWLF1013 Posting Lists for Remuner. List
WBLS SAPLWLF2 Posting List Cancellation
WBL1 SAPLWLF2 Create posting list manually
WBL2 SAPLWLF2 Change posting list
WBL3 SAPLWLF2 Display posting list
WBL4 RWLF2009 Release blocked posting lists
WBST MENUWBST SAP Retail: Inventory Management
WBTE RWBTRAEX Export plant data (file transfer)
WBTI RWBTRAIM Import plants (file transfer)
WBVK MENUWBVK Subsequent settlement
WBWF SAPLWB2_WORKFLOTrading Contract: Workflw Workbench
WB00 MENUWB00 Subsequent settlement
WB01 SAPMWBE3 Create plant
WB02 SAPMWBE3 Change plant
WB03 SAPMWBE3 Display plant
WB06 SAPMWBE3 Archiving flag; plant
WB07 SAPMWBE3 Change plant/customer assignment
WB08 SAPMWBE3 Change plant/vendor assignment
WB2C RWBNWT01 Messages - Target Group: Customer
WB2L RWB2MATPOS01 Long Short Analysis
WB2M RWBNWT02 Messages for Management
WB2R RWB2BCUST01 Global Trade General Control
WB2V RWBNWT03 Messages for Vendor
WB20 MENUWB20 Global Trade
WB21 SAPLWB2A Trading contract: Create
WB22 SAPLWB2A Trading contract: Change
WB23 SAPLWB2A Trading contract: Display
WB24 RWB2B001 Trading contract: Coll. status proc
WB25 RWB2B001 Trad. contract list: Contracts list
WB26 RWB2B002 Trading Contract: Document Flow
WB27 RWB2B002 Trading contract: Standard analysis
WB28 RWB2B004 Trading contract: Change history
WB30 RWWMASMG Mass maintenance MG to plant
WB31 RWB2B006 Trading Contract: Fincl Documents
WB35 RWWROLAY Layout overview
WB40 RWWKLASS List analysis for classes
WB50 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; create alloc tbl
WB51 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; change alloc tbl
WB52 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; display alloc table
WB53 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; delete alloc tbl
WB54 SAPMWBE2 PG Maintain allocTbl; plant to clas
WB55 SAPMWBE2 PG AllocTbl; maintain class to clas
WB56 SAPMWBE2 PG AllTbl; maintain plants in class
WB57 SAPMWBE2 PG AllocTbl display plants in class
WB58 SAPMWBE2 PG Alloc tbl display class to class
WB59 SAPMWBE2 PG AllocTbl display plants in class
WB60 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; create promotions
WB61 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; change promotions
WB62 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; display promotions
WB63 SAPMWBE2 Plant group; delete promotions
WB64 SAPMWBE2 PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas
WB65 SAPMWBE2 PG Promotion; maint. class to class
WB66 SAPMWBE2 PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas
WB67 SAPMWBE2 PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas
WB68 SAPMWBE2 PG Promotion; displ. class to class
WB69 SAPMWBE2 PG Promotion; displ. plants in clas
WB70 SAPMWBE2 Create assortment class
WB71 SAPMWBE2 Change assortment class
WB72 SAPMWBE2 Display assortment class
WB73 SAPMWBE2 Delete assortment class
WB74 SAPMWBE2 Maintain assortments to classes
WB75 SAPMWBE2 Maintain classes to classes
WB76 SAPMWBE2 Maintain assortments in class
WB77 SAPMWBE2 Display assortments to classes
WB78 SAPMWBE2 Display Class for Classes
WB79 SAPMWBE2 Display assortments in class
WB80 SAPMWBE2 Create plant group Other
WB81 SAPMWBE2 Change plant group Other
WB82 SAPMWBE2 Display plant group Other
WB83 SAPMWBE2 Delete plant group Other
WB84 SAPMWBE2 PG Other; maint. plant to classes
WB85 SAPMWBE2 PG Other; maint. class to classes
WB86 SAPMWBE2 PG Other; maint. plant in class
WB87 SAPMWBE2 PG Other; displ.plant to classes
WB88 SAPMWBE2 PG Other; class to class
WB89 SAPMWBE2 PG Other; displ. plants in class
WCCA RIWC0014 Generate Print Settings
WCCB RIWC0015 Create/Delete Applications
WCC1 RIWC0003 Maintain Conflict Rules
WCC2 RIWC0012 Assistant for Model Selection
WCC3 RIWC0013 Generate Basic Settings
WCC8 RIWC0001 Assign Technical Objects
WCC9 RIWC0002 Assign Operational Conditions
WCI1 RIWC0008 WCM: Check - WCCO
WCI2 RIWC0009 WCM: Check - WCCOR
WCI3 RIWC0011 WCM: Check - WCCO <-> WCCOR
WCI4 RIWC0007 WCM: Check - WCCA
WCLA RIWCWW02 WCM: WAP (List Editing)
WCLB RIWC0010 WCM: (Multi-Level List Editing)
WCLC RIWCWD02 WCM: WCD (List Editing)
WCLD RIWCWD02 WCM: WCD (List Editing)
WCLE RIWC0010 WCM: (Multi-Level List Editing)
WCLF RIWC0017 WCM: Operational Log
WCL1 RIWCWD02 WCM: WCD Template (List Editing)
WCL2 RIWCWD02 WCM: WCD Template (List Editing)
WCL3 RIWCWD02 WCM: Op. WCD (List Editing)
WCL4 RIWCWD02 WCM: Op. WCD (List Editing)
WCL5 RIWCWA02 WCM: WCA (List Editing)
WCL6 RIWCWA02 WCM: WCA (List Editing)
WCL7 RIWCWA02 WCM: WAPI (List Editing)
WCL8 RIWCWA02 WCM: WAPI (List Editing)
WCL9 RIWCWW02 WCM: WAP (List Editing)
WCM MENUWCM Work Clearance Management
WCMA RMCW1500 RIS: OTB - Selection
WCMB RMCW1500 RIS: OTB - Selection
WCMC RMCW1500 RIS: OTB - Selection
WCMCP MENUWCMCP Category Manager Workbench - Exampl
WCMD RMCW1500 RIS: OTB - Selection
WCME RMCW0300 RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selectio
WCM1 RWWCATM1 Define CM area of responsibility
WCM2 RWWCATM2 Display worksheet for CM
WCM3 RWWCATM3 Display CM area of responsibility
WCM4 RWWCATM4 Delete CM area of responsibility?
WCPC SAPMWWMC Customizing Internet product catalo
WCRB SAPLWCFY WCM: Create WCD Template for WAP
WCRG SAPLWCFY WCM: Create Op. WCD for Order
WCRH SAPLWCFY WCM: Create WCD Template with Order
WCR1 SAPLWCFY WCM: Create WCD Template for WCD
WCR2 SAPLWCFY WCM: Create WCD Template for WAPI
WCR5 SAPLWCFA WCM: Create WCA for Order
WCR8 SAPLWCFE WCM: Create WAP for Order
WCSO SAPLWSSA_DOC SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order
WCSOD SAPLWSSA_DOC Deliver Sales Order
WCSOS SAPMV45X SAP Retail Store: Cons. Order Statu
WCTP RIWCWW01 WCM: Assignment of WAP
WCTQ RIWCWA01 WCM: Assignment of WCA
WCTR RIWCWD01 WCM: Assignment of Operational WCD
WCTS RIWCWA01 WCM: Assignment of WAPI
WCTU RIWCOR01 WCM: Assignment of Order
WCT1 SAPLWCFY WCM: Create WCD Template
WCT2 SAPLWCFY WCM: Change WCD Template
WCT3 SAPLWCFY WCM: Display WCD Template
WCT6 SAPLWCFY WCM: Create Operational WCD
WCT7 SAPLWCFY WCM: Change Operational WCD
WCT8 SAPLWCFY WCM: Display Operational WCD
WCUM SAPMWWCC Maintain customer
WCU1 SAPMWWCC1 Maintain customer
WCU2 SAPMWOSD SAP Retail Store: Customer Mainten.
WCWBNR SAPMSNUM Number Range Maintenance: W_CWB
WCW1 RIWC0004 WCM: 'DLFL' Status Conversion
WC01 SAPLCTMV Edit Characteristic
WC02 SAPMSNUM Number Range for SP Calculation
WC03 SAPMSNUM Number range; allocation rule
WC04 SAPMSNUM Number ranges; Promotions
WC05 SAPMSNUM Number ranges; allocation table
WC06 SAPMSNUM Number Ranges Status Tracking
WC07 SAPMSNUM Number ranges for free goods
WC08 SAPMSNUM Number ranges layout promo/plant
WC10 RWVKP008 Batch Worklist for Pricing
WC11 RWSORT07 Batch Changes; Assortments
WC12 RWMBON01 Batch Settlement for Arrangements
WC13 RWMBON02 Batch List Output for Arrangements
WC14 RWMBON03 Batch Vendor Bus. Volume for Arrngm
WC15 RWMBON04 Batch Detailed Stmnt for Arrangemen
WC16 RWMBON05 Batch Extension Val. Period/Arrngmn
WC17 RWMBON06 Batch Update Vendor Business Volume
WC18 RWMBON10 Batch Check Open GR Qty for Arrngmn
WC19 RMCENEUA Batch Stat. Recomp. Vendor Bus. Vol
WC20 RWMBON07 Batch Stat. Recom. on Individ. Lev.
WC21 RMCVISCP Batch Reorg Data in LIS
WC22 RWVKU001 Batch List Rtl Changes for Material
WC23 RMBABG00 Batch IV; Immediate Cyclic Check
WC24 RWDPOSUP Batch POS Outbound
WC25 RWDBBUPD Batch Assortment List/Shelf-Edge La
WC26 RMPROG00 Batch Forecast
WC27 RMMRP000 Batch Requirements Planning per Pln
WC28 RWWLOCKD Batch Set Central Block
WC29 RWSNASTV Batch; Alloc Tbl Message Bundling
WC30 RWNASTVP Batch; Promotion Message Bundling
WC31 RFPUMS00 Batch Preparation of Adv. Tax Retur
WC32 RWDPOSIN Batch POS Outb. Ini
WC33 RWDBBINI Assortment List: Initial. & FullVer
WC34 RBDAPP01 Batch repeat terminated upload
WC35 RBDMANIN Batch repeat incorrect upload
WC41 RMEBEIN4 Batch worklist for doc. index
WC63 SAPMSNUM Number Range for SP Calculation
WDBI RWDBBINI Assort. List: Full Vers. and Init.
WDBM RWDBBMAN Assort. List.: Manual Request
WDBU RWDBBUPD Assortment List: Change Message
WDFR SAPMWOG1 Create Perishables Planning
WDFR2 SAPMWOG1 Change Perishables Planning
WDFR3 SAPMWOG1 Display Perishables Planning
WDH1 RVKNVH00 Maintain plant hierarchy (SD)
WDH2 RVKNVH00 Display customer hierarchy (SD)
WDIS MENUWDIS Materials Planning for SAP Retail
WDKR RWDEBRET Create customers from vendors
WDLS RWPUDLST Delete Error Messages
WDRD1 RWDRD001 Determine Delivery Relationship
WDRD2 RWDRD002 Change Delivery Relationship
WDRD3 RWDRD003 Display Delivery Relationship
WDRD4 RWDRD004 Delete Delivery Relationship
WDSR RWDPOSRS Reorg of download status tracking
WDTS RWPUDTST Delete Status Information
WEBU RTLABELB Printing Labels via Assortment List
WEKF MENUWEKF Purchase order SAP Retail
WENA RT70AWEA Messages on Basis of Changes
WESO RTLABELD Special Request for Labels
WEWU SAPMWEWU EMU conversions in retail
WE02 RSEIDOC2 Display IDoc
WE05 RSEIDOC2 IDoc Lists
WE06 RSEIDOCA Active IDoc monitoring
WE07 RSEIDOCH IDoc statistics
WE09 RSEIDOC9 Search for IDoc in Database
WE10 RSEXARCS Search for IDoc in Archive
WE11 RSETESTD Delete IDocs
WE12 MSEIDOC0 Test Modified Inbound File
WE14 RSEOUT00 Test Outbound Processing
WE15 MSEIDOC0 Test Outbound Processing from MC
WE16 MSEIDOC0 Test Inbound File
WE17 MSEIDOC0 Test Status File
WE18 MSEIDOC1 Generate Status File
WE19 SAPMSED7 Test tool
WE21 SAPMSEDPORT Port definition
WE23 RSEDICATT Verification of IDoc processing
WE30 SAPMSED5 Development IDoc Type
WE31 SAPMSED4 Development IDoc Segment
WE32 SAPMSED6 Development IDoc View
WE40 RSECFG00 IDoc Administration
WE42 RSECODIN Process codes; inbound
WE45 RSELOGAD Forward (inbound) (V3; EDILOGADR)
WE46 RSECFG00 IDoc administration
WE47 MSESTA00 Status Maintenance
WE56 RSECFG00 IDoc Administration
WE60 SAPMSEDIDOCU Documentation for IDoc types
WE61 SAPMSEDIDOCU Documentation for IDoc record types
WE62 SAPMSEDIDOCU Documentation for segments
WE63 SAPMSEDIDOCU Documentation
WE64 SAPMSEDMESTYP Documentation message types
WFCS01 WFCS_FCAST_PARARun Sales Forecast
WFCS02 WFCS_FCAST_PARADelete Sales Forecast
WFCS03 WFCS_TABLES_DISDisplay Data for Sales Forecast
WFCS04 WFCS_TADST_COPYSales Forecast: Consumption from MR
WFIL MENUWFIL Store Order for SAP Retail
WFL1 RWLF7001 Document flow; vendor billing docs
WFL2 RWLF7002 Document flow; posting lists
WFL3 RWLF7003 Document Flow; Remuneration Lists
WFL4 RWLF7004 Document flow; settlement requests
WFL5 RWLF7005 Document flow; request lists
WFRE RETVERT1 Distribution of Returns
WF00 SAPWFPR2 Workflow: Choose Processes
WF01 SAPWFPR0 Workflow: Process
WF02 SAPWFPR0 Workflow: Rule Editor
WF03 SAPWFPR0 Workflow: Display Process
WF04 SAPWFPR0 Workflow: Process in Background
WF05 SAPWFPR1 Workflow: Queue
WF10 SAPMWFRM1 Collective Purchase Order
WF10A SAPMWFRM1 Collective PO Without Tabstrips
WF20 SAPMWFRM6 Change Distribution
WF30 SAPMWFRM4 Merchandise Distribution: Monitor
WF40 RCLEANFRET Delete Distribution
WF50 SAPMWFRM7 Adjust Distribution
WF50A SAPMWFRM2 Adjust Distribution
WF51 SAPMWFRM9 Modify Distribution (in Background)
WF60 SAPMWFRM3 Create Outbound Deliveries
WF70 SAPMWFRM5 Create Distribution Orders
WF80 R_FRM_APPL_LOG_Merchandise Distribution Log
WF90 R_FRM_APPL_LOG_Delete Merch. Distrib. Applic. Log
WGCL MENUWGCL Classification system; Retail
WGRT RWWATRAT Transport of classifiable objects
WGSE RBDSEWGR Sending material group hierarchy
WGUS RWWGH002 Where-used list MG hierarchy
WG21 SAPMWWG2 Create material groups
WG22 SAPMWWG2 Change material groups
WG23 SAPMWWG2 Delete material groups
WG24 SAPMWWG2 Display material groups
WG26 SAPMWWG2 Create assignments
WG27 SAPMWWG2 Change assignment
WG28 SAPMWWG2 Delete Assignments
WG29 SAPMWWG2 Display assignments
WI00 MENUWI00 Physical Inventory for SAP Retail
WJB3 RWJBIDIN Test: Import Assortment List IDoc
WJB5 RWJBDISP Display Assortment List
WKK1 RWWKK001 Create Market-Basket Price Calc.
WKK2 RWWKK002 Change Market-Basket Price Calc.
WKK3 RWWKK003 Display Market-Basket Price Calc.
WKK4 RWWKK004 MB Price Calc. Price Activation
WKON MENUWKON Conditions/Arrangements SAP Retail
WK00 MENUWK00 Subsequent settlement
WLACI RWLRECINV Read Customer Settlements From AS
WLACII RWLF3006 Read Customer Settlements From AS
WLAM SAPLWLAM Layout Maintenance
WLAN RWSORT20 Listing Conditions for Layout Modul
WLASI RWLRESINV Read Expense Settlement From Archiv
WLASII RWLF3007 Read Expense Settlement From Archiv
WLAY RWLAYINF Space Management: Display Layout
WLA1 RWLREILS Read Remuneration Lists from Archiv
WLA2 RWLREPLS Read posting lists from the archive
WLA3 RWLRESLS Read settlm req. lists from archive
WLA4 RWLRESMR Read settlement req. from archive
WLA5 RWLF3003 Archived Remuneration List Items
WLA6 RWLF3004 Archived payment document items
WLA7 RWLF3005 Archived settlement req. list items
WLA8 RWLF3002 Archived posting list items
WLBA RWVLB00A Check Program for LB
WLBB RWVLB00B Tool for Vendor Service Level
WLBC RWVLB00C Reorganization of Condition Pointer
WLB1 RWVLB002 Investment buying
WLB13 RWVLB013 Automatic Load Building
WLB2 RWVLB008 Investment buying analysis
WLB3 RWVLB007 Autom. opt. PO-based load building
WLB4 RWVLB014 Results list for auto. load buildin
WLB5 RWVLB003 Combine POs in a logical load
WLB6 RWVLB004 Test invest. buy. return on investm
WLB7 RWVLB006 Analysis for Service Level
WLB8 SAPLMDR1 Simulation for Quantity Optimizing
WLCH RWLMVERCOM Communicating Layout Changes
WLCM RWLAY002 Delete LayoutListConds. for Assort.
WLCN RWLAY001 Delete Listing Conditions from LM
WLCPAR RWLC_PROCESS_INExternal Parallel Processing
WLFA RWDIWLFA IMG vendor billing document
WLFB RWLF1001 List header data billing document
WLFC RWLF1002 List billing documents
WLFD RWLF1003 List Remuneration List Header Data
WLFE RWLF1004 Display Remuneration List Data
WLFF RWLF2001 Mass release payment documents
WLFG RWLF1005 Display payment header data
WLFH RWLF1006 Display payment documents with item
WLFI RWLF2002 Cancellation of payment documents
WLFJ RWLF2003 Mass reversal of vendor billing doc
WLFK RWLF2004 Mass release vendor billing docs
WLFL RWLF2005 Mass Release Remuneration List
WLFLK RWLF2013 Mass release remunertn list custome
WLFM RWLF2006 Create Remuner. List from Bill. Doc
WLFN RWLF2007 Create Rem. Lists from Payment Docs
WLFO RWLF1007 List of payment list header data
WLFP RWLF1008 List of payment list data
WLFQ RWLF1009 List of posting list header data
WLFR RWLF1010 List of posting list data
WLFS RWLREINV Read archived vendor billing docs
WLFT RWLF3001 Archived billing docs with items
WLFU RWLFFLOW Document flow information
WLFV RWLF2011 Create RemunLists from Posting List
WLFW RWLF2012 Complete Settlement Request Lists
WLF1 SAPLWLF1 Create vendor billing document
WLF1D SAPLWLF1 Create vendor billing document
WLF1K SAPLWLF1 Obsolete - No Longer Exists
WLF2 SAPLWLF1 Change vendor billing document
WLF2D SAPLWLF1 Change vendor billing document
WLF2K SAPLWLF1 Change Customer Settlement
WLF3 SAPLWLF1 Display vendor billing document
WLF3D SAPLWLF1 Display vendor billing document
WLF3K SAPLWLF1 Display Customer Settlement
WLF4 SAPLWLF1 Cancel vendor billing document
WLF4D SAPLWLF1 Cancel Expense Settlement
WLF4K SAPLWLF1 Cancel Customer Settlement
WLI1 RWLF1050 List Output Single Documents
WLI2 RWLF1051 List Output Agency Documents
WLI3 RWLF1052 List Output List Documents
WLM RK_PEP_WLM_RUN Worklist Monitor
WLMM SAPLWLMM Layout Module Maintenance
WLMON RK_PEP_WLM_RUN AV-Monitor - Direct Selection
WLMPS RK_PEP_WLM_RUN Worklist Monitor for Project System
WLMV RWLMVERM Maintenance of Layout Module Versio
WLN1 RWLFWR01 Messages from vendor billing docs
WLN10 RWLFWR10 Messages Customer Settlement
WLN11 RWLFWR11 Messages Expenses Settlement
WLN12 RWLFWR12 Mess. Remun. List Customer Settlmnt
WLN13 RWLFWR13 Message Remuneration List Cost Sett
WLN14 RWLFWR14 Message Output Agency Documents
WLN2 RWLFWR02 Messages from posting lists
WLN3 RWLFWR03 Messages Remuner.Lists; Vend.BillDo
WLN4 RWLFWR04 Messages from settlement requests
WLN5 RWLFWR05 Messages from settlem. request list
WLN6 RWLFWR06 Messages Rem. List Settlement Req.
WLP1 RWLF8004 Profit simulation single requests
WLP2 RWLF8005 Profit simulation request lists
WLRA RWLF1011 Rel. payment docs for Remuner. list
WLRB RWLF1012 Rel. Invoices for Remuneration List
WLRS SAPLWLF1 Cancellation of Remuneration Lists
WLR1 SAPLWLF1 Create Remuneration List
WLR2 SAPLWLF1 Change Remuneration List
WLR3 SAPLWLF1 Display Remuneration List
WLSE SELAYTOP Direct Sending: Layout Module
WLS1 RWLF6001 Go to vendor billing docs archive
WLS2 RWLF6002 Go to posting list archive
WLS3 RWLF6003 Go to Remuneration List Archive
WLS4 RWLF6004 Go to settlement request archive
WLS5 RWLF6005 Go to settlem. request list archive
WLS6 RWLF6006 Goto AS for Customer Settlement
WLS7 RWLF6007 Goto AS for Expense Settlement
WLWB RWLAYWOB Layout Workbench
WL00 MENUWL00 Vendor Master
WMBE RWBWM001 Stock Overview: Value-only Material
WMB1 RWVKP015 Create Competitor Price Entry
WMB2 RWVKP015 Change Competitor Price Entry
WMB3 RWVKP015 Display Competitor Price Entry
WMB4 RWVKP015 Create Competitor Price Entry w/ Re
WMF0 MENUWMF0 Season management menu
WMF1 SAPMWMFA Create Markdown Plan
WMF2 SAPMWMFA Change Markdown Plan
WMF3 SAPMWMFA Display Markdown Plan
WMF4 SAPMWMFA Delete Markdown Plan
WMF5 RWMFA200 Price Activation Markdown Plan
WMF6 RWMFA210 Markdown Plan Price Calculation Tes
WMF7 RWMFA300 Markdown Plan Evaluation
WMNE RWMBON12 Process Worklist
WMN9 RWMBON21 Subsequent Settlement Control
WMR1 SAPMWMFA Create Markdown Rule
WMR2 SAPMWMFA Change Markdown Rule
WMR3 SAPMWMFA Display Markdown Rule
WMR4 SAPMWMFA Delete Markdown Rule
WM00 MENUWM00 Material
WOG3 ISRLOCG1 Plant groups
WON1 RWCUST01 General Settings for Replenishment
WOPD RWPPRODP Assortment List: Display Log
WPCA RFCCSSTT Carry out settlement run
WPCC RWPRDCHG Prepare prod. catalog change IDocs
WPCD RFCCDLOG Delete settlement logs
WPCI RWPRDCAT Prepare product catalog IDocs
WPCJ RWPRDPOS Prepare product catalog IDocs
WPCW RFCCRSTT Repeat settlement run
WPC1 RWPCHEAD Prepare product catalog IDocs
WPC2 RWPCITEMS Prepare item IDocs
WPC3 RWPCHEADSMD Prepare catalog change IDocs
WPC4 RWPCITEMSSMD Prepare item change IDocs
WPC5 RWPCKEY Convert product catalog
WPDTC PDTC_REPORT Planned Delivery Time Calculation
WPED SAPMWPED Sales Audit Editor
WPER SAPMWPER POS interface monitor
WPER2 RWDANALYSIS POS: Analysis/Auxiliary Reports
WPHF RWDPOSCK Analysis report
WPIE RBDAGAIE Inbound modified IDocs
WPLG RWREGPRO Space Management
WPMA RWDPOSAN POS Download: Manual Request
WPMI RWDPOSIN POS download: initialization
WPMU RWDPOSUP POS download: change message
WPO1 RWPOB001 Close Back Orders
WPRI RWCUST02 PRICAT on the Internet
WPRI6 RWCUST06 Templ.for Non-R/3 Fields at CatItem
WPRI7 RWCUST07 Templ. for Non-R/3 Fields at QtyIte
WPS1 DIWP_SELFTEST Revision Planning
WPS2 DIWPS_REV_ORDERCreate Order as Report
WPUF SAPMWPUK Simulation inb. proc. FI/CO documen
WPUS SAPMWPUK Simulation: Inbound Processing
WPUW SAPMWPUK Goods movements simulation
WP00 MENUWP00 Sales and Operations Planning
WQ00 MENUWQ00 Value and Quota Scales Appl. Menu
WQ01 SAPMWMVC Create Value Scale
WQ02 SAPMWMVC Change Value Scale
WQ03 SAPMWMVC Display Value Scale
WQ04 SAPMWMVC Delete Value Scale
WQ05 SAPMWMVC Reconcile with Characteristic
WQ11 SAPMWMVC Create Quota Scale
WQ12 SAPMWMVC Change Quota Scale
WQ13 SAPMWMVC Display Quota Scale
WQ14 SAPMWMVC Delete quota scale
WQ21 SAPMWMVC Automatically Generate Quota Scales
WRAV RWRCALAV Update Reclassification Version
WRA1 RWRCALL1 Delete Reclassification Version
WRA2 RWRCALL2 Display Reclassification Version
WRA3 RWRCALL3 Change Reclassification Version
WRA4 RWRCALL4 Create Reclassification Version
WRBDL RWRBADSL Detailed Stock List
WRBDL2 RWRBADSL Detailed Stock List
WRCK RWRPLCHK Store Replenishment: Check Program
WRCR RETAIL_RECLASSIRetail Reclassification
WRCV RWRECLAV Update MG reclassification
WRC1 RWRECLA1 Delete MG reclassification
WRC2 RWRECLA2 Display MG reclassification
WRC3 RWRECLA3 Change MG reclassification
WRC4 RWRECLA4 Create MG reclassification
WRDL RWRPLDEL Replenishment run reorganization
WRFE RWRPLPFE Store Replen.: Preprocessing Progra
WRLS SAPLWLF2 Cancel: Settlement Request List
WRL1 SAPLWLF2 Create payment list document
WRL2 SAPLWLF2 Create payment list request
WRL3 SAPLWLF2 Display payment list request
WRL4 RWLF2008 Mass release of settlem. req. lists
WRMD RWRP_RRM_OUTBOUData Export for RRM Interface
WRMO SAPMWRPM Replenishment monitor
WRN1 SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: WFWFACTOR
WRPFMM MENUWRPFMM Replenishment: Forecast (MM-IM)
WRP0 MENUWRP0 Replenishment
WRP1 RWRPLPRO Replenishment: Procurement
WRSO RWRPLVFB Store Replen.: Follow-On Doc. Gener
WRSR RWRPLSRP Store Replen.: Requirem. Calculatio
WRST RMMMMPOI Transfer Master Data for Matl Maint
WRSTA RMMMMPOIA Materials Listing
WR30 RWRPL011 Replenishment: Generate wghtng prof
WR31 RWRPL010 Replen: Create frcst wghtng profile
WR60 RWRPL060 Replenishment: Parameter Overview
WSAD RWSPMAPL Space Management: No of Error Logs
WSAK SAPMWAST SAP Retail Store: Promotions
WSAU SAPMWAUST SAP Retail Store: Allocation Table
WSCM MENUWSCM Category Manager Workbench - Exampl
WSC1 RWMFA003 Customizing season codes
WSC2 RWMFA003 Customizing annual season
WSC3 RWMFA003 Customizing markdown types
WSE1 RWSORT40 Group-Wide Discontinuation
WSE2 RWSORT43 Vendor/material discontinuation
WSE3 RWSORT45 Material Discontinuation (Dist. Ch.
WSE4 RWSORT44 Material/Plant Discontinuation
WSE5 RWSORT41 Error log; discontinuation
WSE6 RWSORT48 Mat. Discontinuation for Assortment
WSE8 RWSORT46 Display discontinuation status
WSGM SAPLWOSM SAP Retail Store: Full Menu
WSHT SAPLWSHT SAP Retail Store: Time Recording
WSIN RWSSOINI Initialize Selection Variant
WSIS MENUWSIS Information system
WSK1 SAPMWSO3 Assortments IS-R; copy store astmts
WSK2 RWSORT36 Delete store assortments IS-R
WSK3 RWSORBT1 Assortment copy; batch input
WSK4 RWSORBT2 Delete Batch Input Assortment
WSLA RWSORT12 Assortment Users per Assortment
WSLB RWSORT13 Assortment per Assortment User
WSLC RWSORT25 Display of causes of listing
WSLF RWSORT28 Material per customer
WSLG RWSORTA1 Compare promotion POs - sales order
WSLH RWSORT33 Assortment modules for material
WSLI RWSORT34 Display change doc. listing cond.
WSL0 RWSORT11 Consistency check for reference mat
WSL1 RWSORT01 Assortments; selection lists
WSL10 RWSORTK1 Materials in Assortment
WSL2 RWSORT02 Check listing rules
WSL3 RWSORT03 Material listed in plant before?
WSL4 RWSORT32 Analyze material in module
WSL5 RWSORT22 Modules in plant
WSL6 RWSORT23 Assortment structure; Plants
WSL7 RWSORT31 Vendor material list
WSL8 RWSORT24 Assortment grade info
WSL9 RWSORT09 Listing conditions coming to an end
WSMP MENUWSMP merchandise planning menu - first s
WSM3 RWSORLIARTI Recompil. of Listing acc. Material
WSM4 RWSORT07 Relist after ch. plant/ mat. grp ma
WSM4A RWSORT07A Relist After Changes to Assortments
WSM4B RWSORT07B Relist After Changes to Plants
WSM4L RWSORT07L Automatic Relisting of Layout Data
WSM6 RWSORTZ1 Delete Individual Listing; Material
WSM7 RWSORTZ1 Delete Individual Listing; Material
WSM8 RWSORALL Setup assrt.owner assortment as WRF
WSM9 RWSORT53 Delete Expired Listing Conditions
WSM9A RWSORT54 Delete Change Docs WLK1 and ASMODUL
WSN1 SAPMSNUM Number range main.: WSORT
WSN2 SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: WSORTIMEN
WSOA1 SAPMWSO6 Create assortments
WSOA2 SAPMWSO6 Change assortments
WSOA3 SAPMWSO6 Display assortments
WSOA4 SAPMWSO6 Delete assortment
WSOA5 SAPMWSO6 Assign assortment to customer
WSOA6 RWSORT70 Assortment Maintenance Tool
WSOA7 SAPMWSOA7 Mass Maintenance of Table WRS6
WSO1 SAPMWSO2 IS-R Listing Create Module
WSO2 SAPMWSO2 Assortments IS-R; maintain module
WSO3 SAPMWSO2 Assortments IS-R; display module
WSO4 SAPMWSO2 Assortments IS-R; delete module
WSO5 SAPMWSO2 Astmts IS-R; maint. module-> store
WSO7 SAPMWSO2 IS-R Astmts; Display module-> store
WSPA RWSORLIKON Change listing conditions
WSPB RWSORLIKON1 Combine listing conditions
WSPK RWSORT19 Complete missing mat. segments log
WSPL RWSORT18 Missing material master segments
WSP3 RWSORT06 Delete individual listing
WSP4 RWSORT14 Create indiv. listing; mat. - plant
WSP5 RWSORT15 Change ind. listing; mat. - plant
WSP6 RWSORT16 Delete ind. listing; mat. - plant
WSP7 RWSORT17 Mat. grp mat. listing in plant
WSR1 RWARCH01 Archiving worklist for assortments
WSR2 RWARCH02 Deletion assortment and listing
WSR3 RWARCH03 Reset assortment and listing
WSSW SAPLWOSW SAP Retail Store: Display Plant
WSS1 RWSORT10 General settings for Assortments
WSTE SAPMWOSE SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt
WSTED SAPLWOSE_DOGR SAP Retail Store: Display open GR
WSTI SAPLWOSI SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventor
WSTN11 WSTN10 Maintain prepack allocation plannin
WSTN13 WSTN10 Display prepack allocation planning
WSTN14 RWSTRNPOSTPP Process prepack allocation manually
WSTN15 RWSTRNDELALLOC Delete Alloc. Table (PP Alloc Plan
WSTP SAPLWSTP Retail Store Sales Prices
WSTSA SAPLWOSA SAP Retail Store: Assortment List
WSTU SAPLWOSI SAP Retail Store: Revaluation
WSTV SAPMWOSE SAP Retail Store: Goods Movements
WSUP WPLG_MAP_INTERFSpace Management Using Plan Data
WSUP1 RWSORT60 No. of Duplicate Listing Conditions
WSUP2 RWSORT63 WSOF Migration Tool
WSV2 SAPMWSO2 Create value contract module
WS00 MENUWS00 Assortment
WS11 RWSIDOCE Send assortment modules
WS12 RWSIDOCLIKOND Send listing conditions
WS13 RWSIDOCASORT Send assortments
WTAM ADDI_MONITOR Additionals Monitor
WTAOC ADDI_ORDERS_CREGenerate POs for Additionals
WTCA ADDI_ANALYSIS_OChange Analysis for Additionals
WTEW SAPLWB2_WB_VIEWTrading Execution Workbench
WTMG SAPMFQMG Conversion of Withholding Tax Data
WTRA2 WTRA_DELETE_PRORuntime Measurement: Delete Logs
WTRA3 WTRA_DISPLAY_PRRuntime Measurement: Display Logs
WTR1 ADDI_IDOC_REQUERequest for Additionals IDoc
WTR2 ADDI_PR_IDOC_RERequest Additionals IDoc for Promo
WTY RWTYSTART Warranty Claim
WTYCL RWTYGULI Create Credit Memo Lists
WTYNK SAPMSNUM Number Range Warranty Claim
WTYOQ RWTYOPQU Worklist Warranty
WTYRP SAPLWTY11 Warranty: Part to Be Returned
WVA1 SAPMV13A Create planned mark-up
WVA2 SAPMV13A Change planned mark-up
WVA3 SAPMV13A Display planned mark-up
WVA5 SAPMV13A Create planned markup (price list)
WVA6 SAPMV13A Change planned markup (price list)
WVA7 SAPMV13A Display planned markup (price list)
WVB0 RWVKP012 Recompile doc. index (pricing docs)
WVEB MENUWVEB Valuation SAP Retail
WVER MENUWVER Shipping for SAP Retail
WVFB SAPMWPUK Inbound store order processing
WVFD RWWVINVB Process phys. inventory doc. furthe
WVFI SAPMWPUK Simulation: Store Physical Inventor
WVKF MENUWVKF Sales Order (extended copy)
WVM0 MENUWVM0 Replenishment
WVM1 RWVMIPRO Execute customer replenishment
WVM2 RWVMIPAD Transfer stock/sales figures
WVM3 RWVMIPAV Display material data transferred
WVM4 RWVMIPAV Display PROACT data received
WVM6 RWRPL060 Customer replen.: Parameter overvie
WVN0 RWVKP008 Generate pricing worklist
WVN1 RWVKP009 Pricing worklist for material
WVN2 RWVKP010 Pricing worklist for organization
WVTU MENUWVTU Sales Support for SAP Retail
WWCD RWPCDDIS Product catalog:Display change docs
WWFL SAPLWLF_WORKFLOAgency Business:Workflow Workbench
WWG1 MENUWWG1 Main Material Group Hierarchy Menu
WWG2 MENUWWG2 Main Material Group Menu
WWMI MENUWWMI Product catalog area menu
WWM1 SAPLWWMM Create product catalog
WWM2 SAPLWWMM Change product catalog
WWM3 SAPLWWMM Display product catalog
WWM4 SAPLWWMM Copy product catalog
WWM5 SAPLWWMM Delete product catalog
WWNA SAPMV13B Subs.Settl. -SettRun: Create Cond.S
WWNB SAPMV13B Subs. Settl.-Sett.Run: ChangeCond.S
WWNC SAPMV13B Subs. Settl. SettRun: DisplayCond.S
WWN1 SAPMV12A Create cond.table Subs.Sett-SettlRu
WWN2 SAPMV12A Chng Cond Table. Subs.Settl-SettlRu
WWN3 SAPMV12A Displ.Cond.Table Subs.Settl.-SettRu
WWP1 RWWP001 Online Planning in Planning WB
WWP2 RWWP001 Settings for Planning Workbench
WWP3 RWWP001 Order Cancelation in Planning WB
WWRA SAPMV13B Agen.Bus. messages: Create cond. s.
WWRB SAPMV13B Ag. Bus. messages: Change cond. sch
WWRC SAPMV13B Ag. Bus. messages: Display cond. sc
WWR1 SAPMV12A Create cond. tab. messages Agen.Bus
WWR2 SAPMV12A Change messages Agency Bu
WWR3 SAPMV12A Display messages AgencyBu
WWSA SAPMV13B Subseq.Settle.: Create Cond. Record
WWSB SAPMV13B Subseq.Settle.:Change Cond. Records
WWSC SAPMV13B Subseq.Settle.: Display Cond.Record
WWS1 SAPMV12A Create CondTab. Subseq.Settlement
WWS2 SAPMV12A Change CondTab. Subseq. Settlement
WWS3 SAPMV12A Display CondTab Subseq. Settlement
WWTA SAPMV13B Messages Trading: Create CondRecord
WWTB SAPMV13B Messages Trading: Change CondRecord
WWTC SAPMV13B Messages Trading: Display CondRecs
WWT1 SAPMV12A Message Cond.Tab. Create Trading
WWT2 SAPMV12A Message Cond.Tab. Change Trading
WWT3 SAPMV12A Message Cond. Tab. Display Trading
WWVT MENUWWVT Merchandise Distribution
WWY1 WWIACWY1 Web Transaction Tutorial 1
WWY2 WWIACWY2 Web Transaction Tutorial 2
WWY3 WWIACWY3 Web Transaction Tutorial 3
WWY4 WWIACWY4 Web Transaction Tutorial 4
WWY5 WWIACWY5 Web Transaction Tutorial 5
WWY6 WWIACWY6 Web Transaction Tutorial 6
WWY7 WWIACWY7 Web Transaction Tutorial 7
WWY8 WWIACWY8 Web Transaction Tutorial 8
WW10 SAPMWWMJ IAC product catalog
WW20 SAPMWWMJ IAC Online Store
WW30 SAPMWWMJ SD part for IAC MM-SD link
WW31 SAPMBBPO IAC Product Catalog for EBP
WXPE WISP_EINSTIEG_NInitScreen Gen Layout Maintenance
WXPF SAPMKKB5 Retail: Maintain Report Tree
WXPG RKKBRPTR Retail: Report Selection
WXPN1 WISP_NET_ENTRY1Plan Network Planning Scenario
WXPN2 WISP_NET_ENTRY1Design Network Planning Scenario
WXP0 MENUWXP0 Retail Planning
WXP01 RWIS_PLAN02 Retail Planning Current Settings
WXP02 SAPLWIS_PLAN Create/Change Manual Planning
WXP03 SAPLWIS_PLAN Display Manual Planning
WXP04 SAPMKES1 Create Retail Planning Layout (Lib)
WXP05 SAPMKES1 Change Retail Planning Layout (Lib)
WXP06 SAPMKES1 Display Retail Planning Layout (Lib
WXP1 SAPMGPSP Create Time-Based Distribution Key
WXP12 RWIS_PLAN03 Change Planning Hierarchy
WXP13 RWIS_PLAN03 Display Planning Hierarchy
WXP18 SAPLWIS_PLAN_N Execute Automatic Planning
WXP19 RWIS_PLAN03 PlHierarchy: TransData Auto Setup
WXP20 RWIS_PLAN03 PlHierarchy: Master Data Auto Setup
WXP21 RWIS_PLAN03 Copy Planning Hierarchy Version
WXP3 SAPMGPSP Disply Time-Based Distribution Key
WXP37 RWIS_PLAN03 Delete Planning Hierarchy Versions
WXP4 SAPMGPSP Delete Time-Based Distribution Key
WXP46 SAPLWIS_PLAN_N Execute Program/Transaction
WXP47 RWIS_PLAN08 Transport Time-Bsed Ditribution Key
WXP48 RWIS_PLAN04 Transport Planning Layouts
WXP49 RWIS_PLAN05 Import Planning Layouts
WXP57 SAPLWIS_PLAN Manual Planning With Workflow
WXP58 SAPLWIS_PLAN_D Cross-Scenario Settings
WXP6 SAPLWIS_PLAN Plan Version Maintenance: InitScree
WXP66 RWIS_PLAN12 Promotion Interface Logs
WXP67 RWIS_PLAN12 Allocation Table Interface Logs
WXP7 SAPLWIS_PLAN Display Plan Version: Initial Scree
WXP70 RWIS_PLAN_REORGDelete File Names
WYL2 RWALEACU Generate vert. model master + addr.
WYN1 SAPMV13B Create Message: Warranty
WYN2 SAPMV13B Change Message: Warranty
WYN3 SAPMV13B Display Message: Warranty
WYP1 SAPMV13A Create Condition
WYP2 SAPMV13A Change Condition
WYP3 SAPMV13A Display Condition
WYRL RWDEBRET Vendor for returns
WZFT01 RVEXWZ01 FT: Wizard - Declara. to Auth. (MM)
WZFT02 RVEXWZ02 FT: Wizard - Declara. to Auth. (SD)
WZFT03 RVEXWZ03 FT Wizard: Data Service - Upload
WZFT04 RVEXWZ04 FT: Data Service Wizard - Distribut
WZR0 MENUWZR0 Vendor Billing
WZR1 SAPLWLF2 Create settlement request
WZR2 SAPLWLF2 Change settlement request
WZR3 SAPLWLF2 Display settlement request
WZR4 SAPLWLF2 Cancel settlement request
W10E MENUW10E SAP Retail: Goods Receipt
W10F MENUW10F Store retailing
W10M MENUW10M SAP Retail
W10T MENUW10T SAP Retail main menu replcng S000
W4EM SAPMSNUM Maintain No. Ranges for Weight EANs
W4EN SAPMSNUM Maintain Number Ranges for EANs
W4E5 SAPMSNUM Maintain No. Ranges 5-Fig. Wt EANs
XAAM SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: FR_DRU_AM
XAEU SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: FT_DRU_EU
XAKK SAPMSNUM Maintain Number Range: RV_AKKRED
XATD SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: FT_DRU_T
XATR SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: FT_DRU_AT
XAUS SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: RV_EXPORT
XDN1 SAPMSNUM Maintain Number Ranges (Customer)
XD01 SAPMF02D Create Customer (Centrally)
XD02 SAPMF02D Change Customer (Centrally)
XD03 SAPMF02D Display Customer (Centrally)
XD04 SAPMF01A Customer Changes (Centrally)
XD05 SAPMF02D Block customer (centrally)
XD06 SAPMF02D Mark customer for deletion (centr.)
XD07 SAPMF02D Change Customer Account Group
XEIP SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: EXPIMP
XKN1 SAPMSNUM Display Number Ranges (Vendor)
XK01 SAPMF02K Create vendor (centrally)
XK02 SAPMF02K Change vendor (centrally)
XK03 SAPMF02K Display vendor (centrally)
XK04 SAPMF01A Vendor Changes (Centrally)
XK05 SAPMF02K Block Vendor (Centrally)
XK06 SAPMF02K Mark vendor for deletion (centrally
XK07 SAPMF02K Change vendor account group
XK11 SAPMV13A Create Condition
XK12 SAPMV13A Change Condition
XK13 SAPMV13A Display Condition
XK14 SAPMV13A Create with cond. ref. (cond. list)
XK15 SAPMV13A Create Conditions (background job)
XSLS SAPMSNUM Maintain Number Ranges: RV_SANCPL
0FILA SAPLFILACUST Customizing LAE Initial Screen
0KEA SAPMKKB5 EC-PCA: Maintain report tree
0KEB RKKBBGEN EC-PCA: Generate reports
0KEJ RCOPCA97 Account Determination PC Allocation
0KEM SAPMKEC7 EC-PCA: Maintain substitutions
0KEP SAPMKEC0 EC-PCA:Transport Environ/Master Dat
0KEQ SAPMKEC0 EC-PCA: Transport Master Data
0KER SAPMKEC0 EC-PCA: Transport Planning
0KES SAPMKEC0 EC-PCA: Transport Actual Settings
0KET SAPMKEC0 EC-PCA: Transport Information Syste
0KEU SAPMGTRA EC-PCA: Transport Cycles
0KEW RPCAUMS0 EC-PCA: Conv. RW reports 2.x -> 3.0
0KEX RPCAUMS1 EC-PCA: Conv. totals recs 2.x ->3.0
0KEY RPCAUMS2 EC-PCA: Conv.act.line items 2.x->3.
0KEZ RPCAUMS3 EC-PCA:Conv.plan line items 2.x->3.
0KE0 RKEPCU00 EC-PCA: Transfer prog. for act. dat
0KE1 SAPMPCA3 EC-PCA: Delete Transaction Data
0KE2 RCOPCA00 EC-PCA: Del. Profit Ctr Master Data
0KE3 RPCADEL0 EC-PCA:Delete Transaction Data(Bkgd
0KE4 RKEPCGL1 EC-PCA: Update settings
0KE6 SAPLPC31 EC-PCA: Average Balance Ledger
0KE7 SAPMKECZ EC-PCA: Maintain Time-Based Fields
0KMV RKLISVAR List Variants; CCA/ABC Master Data
0KM1 SAPMFKM0 CO Variant Maintenance: Cost Center
0KWD RKSCUS06 Delete Business Processes
0KWM MENU0KWM Activity Based Costing: Customizing
0KWO SAPMKC05 Maintain Search Help for Bus. Proc.
0KWP SAPMKC05 Display Search Help for Bus. Proc.
0KWT SAPMKBPT CO-OM-ABC: Transport Customizing
0KW3 SAPMFKM0 CO Variant Maintenance: CO-OM-ABC
0KW7 RKWBKT00 Master Data Report: Cost Objects
0KW9 RKKBJBIN Import Business Process Reports
0K01 SAPRCKKA List of Costing Variants
0REP RSIMGEXE Start of program; etc. from IMG
0VTE RV56RA01 Multiple Maintenance Route Stages
0VTH RVVTPRGA Insert Material Cumulation to TPS
0VTI RVVTPRGC Copy Material Cumulation to TPS
0VTS RVVTPRLC Copy TPS Route Restrictions
0VTT RVVTPRLA Create TPS Route Restrictions
0VT0 RV56CSLV Maintain Selection Variants
0VX0 RVEXVAJP Maintain Selection Variants - Japan
0VX3 RVEXJPV2 Selection variants - Customs decl J
0000 RSTN0000 Dialog Box for Customizing
0100 SAPMV12A Messages: Disp. CondTab: Pur. Order
1KEA RKEPCU50 Post Selected Data CO -> EC-PCA
1KEC RGUREC30 Post MM data to EC-PCA
1KED RKEPCU60 Transfer Statistical Key Figures
1KEE RKEPCU70 EC-PCA: Plan Statistical Key Figure
1KEG RPCAVIEW Callup view maintenance with COArea
1KEH SAPMKEC6 EC-PCA: Transfer Material Stocks
1KEI SAPMKEC6 EC-PCA: Transfer Assets
1KEJ SAPMKEC6 EC-PCA: Transfer Work in Process
1KEK SAPMKEC6 EC-PCA:Transfer Payables/Receivable
1KEL SAPMGBUK EC-PCA: Create Document
1KE0 RKEPCU20 EC-PCA: Transfer prog. for plan dat
1KE1 RCOPCA07 EC-PCA: Analyze Settings
1KE3 RCOPCA03 EC-PCA: Rebuild matchcodes
1KE4 SAPMKEC4 EC-PCA: Customizing monitor
1KE6 R_PCA_SEARCHHELEC-PCA: Maintain Matchcode
1KE8 RGUREC10 Post FI data
1KE9 RKEPCU40 Post Data SD -> EC-PCA
2KEE RCOPCA10 Profit Center: Totals Records
2KEM R_PCA_VAL_DIFF EC-PCA: Account Valuation Variances
2KES RCOPCA34_2KES Profit center: Balance carr'd forw.
2KET R_PCA_SALDO EC-PCA: Allow balance carr'd forwar
2KEU RCOPCA55 Copy Cost Center Hierarchy
2KEV RCOPCA56 Copy cost centers
3KEA SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Plan Assessment
3KEAN SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Plan Assessment
3KEB SAPMKGA2 EC-PCA: Execute Plan Assessment
3KEC SAPMKGA1 EC-PCA: Plan Assessment Overview
3KEI RCOPCA43 Derive Default Profit Center
3KE1 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Actual Assessment
3KE1N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Actual Assessment
3KE2 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Actual Assessment
3KE2N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Actual Assessment
3KE3 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Actual Assessment
3KE3N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Actual Assessment
3KE4 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Actual Assessment
3KE4N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Actual Assessment
3KE5 SAPMKGA2 EC-PCA: Execute Actual Assessment
3KE6 SAPMKGA1 EC-PCA: Actual Assessment Overview
3KE7 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Plan Assessment
3KE7N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Plan Assessment
3KE8 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Plan Assessment
3KE8N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Plan Assessment
3KE9 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Plan Assessment
3KE9N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Plan Assessment
3KOV R3KOV Cycle Overview
4KEA SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Plan Distribution
4KEAN SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Plan Distribution
4KEB SAPMKGA2 EC-PCA: Execute Plan Distribution
4KEC SAPMKGA1 EC-PCA: Plan Distribution Overview
4KED RCOPCA48 EC-PCA: Supplement Allocation Cycle
4KE1 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Actual Distribution
4KE1N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Actual Distribution
4KE2 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Actual Distribution
4KE2N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Actual Distribution
4KE3 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Actual Distribution
4KE3N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Actual Distribution
4KE4 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Actual Distribution
4KE4N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Delete Actual Distribution
4KE5 SAPMKGA2 EC-PCA: Execute Actual Distribution
4KE6 SAPMKGA1 EC-PCA: Actual Distribution Overvie
4KE7 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Plan Distribution
4KE7N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Create Plan Distribution
4KE8 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Plan Distribution
4KE8N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Change Plan Distribution
4KE9 SAPMKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Plan Distribution
4KE9N SAPLKAL1 EC-PCA: Display Plan Distribution
5NZI SAPMSNUM Number range maintenance: RP_IRCERT
5NZL HNZCLVV0 Leave View Transaction
5NZT HNZCTR20 New Zealand Terminations
6KEA SAPMKECA Profit Center: Display Changes
7KEA SAPMKES1 Create Planning Layout for Costs/Re
7KEB SAPMKES1 Change Planning Layout for Costs/Re
7KEC SAPMKES1 Display Planning Layout for Cost/Re
7KEF SAPMKES1 Create Planning Layout for Inventor
7KEG SAPMKES1 Change Planning Layout for Inventor
7KEH SAPMKES1 Display Planning Lyt for Inventory
7KEI RPCPPLT6 Transport Planning Layouts
7KEJ RPCPPLT7 Import Planning Layouts
7KEK SAPMKES1 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout
7KEL SAPMKES1 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout
7KEM SAPMKES1 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout
7KEO RPCPPKEO Correction of Plan Bals with PCA
7KEP RPCAPP00 Set Planner Profile
7KEQ RPCLTREO EC-PCA: Reorganize Long Texts
7KER RPCAPP00 Call Up Planning with Initial Scree
7KES RCOPCA34_7KES EC-PCA: Carry Forward Plan Balance
7KET RCOPCATE Execute Formula Planning
7KEV SAPMKE1P Copy data to plan
7KEX RPCPPXUP Flexible Excel Upload
7KEY RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog: Flexible Excel Upload
7KE1 RPCAPP00 Change Plan Costs/Revenues
7KE2 RPCAPP00 Display Plan Costs/Revenues
7KE3 RPCAPP00 Change Plan Inventories
7KE4 RPCAPP00 Display Plan Inventories
7KE5 RPCAPP00 Change Plan Statisitcal Key Figures
7KE6 RPCAPP00 Display Plan Statisitcal Key Figure
8KEA SAPMV12A Create Cond. Table (Price/Prof. Ctr
8KEB SAPMV12A Change Cond. Table (Price/Prof. Ctr
8KEC SAPMV12A Display Cond.Table (Price/Prof. Ctr
8KEG SAPMV14A Create Condition List
8KEO RCOPCA41 Assign Representative Material
8KEP R_TP_CVPROF_ASSActivate Cur.+Val. Profile in COAre
8KER RCOPCA41 Derive Partner Profit Center: Sales
8KES RCOPCA41 Derive Partner Profit Center: Purch
8KET PCA01CALC Derive Costing Key
8KET4 RCOPCA37 Opening Balance for PCA Costing
8KET5 SAPLPC20 Valuation for Calculation Base
8KET7 R_WZ_PCA_VAL Set up Profit Planning
8KEU R_TP_CVPROF_DEADeactivate C&V Profile in CO Area
8KEZ PCA_TP_FIND EC-PCA Transfer Pricing
8KE1 SAPMGCU0 PCA: Rollup: Create Field Assignmen
8KE2 SAPMGCU0 PCA: Rollup: Change Field Assignmen
8KE3 SAPMGCU0 PCA: Rollup: Display Field Assignmn
8KE6 SAPMGCU0 PCA: Delete Rollup Field Assignment
9KEA SAPMKES1 Create Layout for Cost/Revenue Bals
9KEB SAPMKES1 Change Layout for Cost/Revenue Bals
9KEC SAPMKES1 Display Layout for Cost/Revenue Bal
9KED RPCADOCR EC-PCA: Reverse Local Actual Doc.
9KEF SAPMKES1 Create Layout for Stock Balances
9KEG SAPMKES1 Change Layout for Stock Balances
9KEH SAPMKES1 Display Layout for Stock Balances
9KEI RPCPPLT6 Transport Layout
9KEJ RPCPPLT7 Import Layout
9KEK SAPMKES1 Create Layout for Entering ActStatK
9KEL SAPMKES1 Change Layout for Entering ActStatK
9KEM SAPMKES1 Display Layout for Entering AcStatK
9KEN SAPMKES1 Create Layout for Doc. with Stat. K
9KEO SAPMKES1 Change Layout for Doc. with Stat. K
9KEP SAPMKES1 Display Layout for Doc. with Stat.K
9KEQ RPCLTREO Reorg. of Actual EC-PCA Long Texts
9KER RGUSTORL Reverse Local Actual Documents
9KES SAPMKES1 Create Layout for Actual Doc. Entry
9KET SAPMKES1 Change Layout for Actual Doc. Entry
9KEU SAPMKES1 Display Layout for Actual Doc. Entr
9KEX RPCPPXUP Flexible Actual Excel Upload
9KEY RKP_FLEX_UPL_PRLog for Flexible Actual Excel Uploa
9KE0 RPCAPP00 Create Profit Center Document
9KE1 RPCAPP00 Change Cost/Revenue Balances
9KE2 RPCAPP00 Display Cost/Revenue Balances
9KE3 RPCAPP00 Change Balance Sheet Accnt Balances
9KE4 RPCAPP00 Display Balance Sheet Accnt Balance
9KE5 RPCAPP00 Change Statistical Key Fig. Balance
9KE6 RPCAPP00 Display Statist. Key Figure Balance
9KE7 RPCAPP00 Change Actual Document
9KE8 RPCAPP00 Display Actual Document
9KE9 RPCAPP00 Display Profit Center Document
01/23/2025, 04:00:38