Volker Gueldenpfennig, Certified SAP Basis Consultant, consolut
How to reach Volker Güldenpfennig and his team ?
This page in german.
consolut international ag
Volker Gueldenpfennig
Fauengasse 8
CH 8200 Schaffhausen
Homepage: www.consolut.ch
Volker Gueldenpfennig and his team are working in the following areas:
- Globally - not only Germany and not only SAP R/3
- SAP iSeries (AS/400) EBCDIC to ASCII Codepage Conversion (CPC)
- SAP Codepage Conversion from ASCII to Unicode for all Platforms
- SAP Upgrades on all Platforms
- General Basis Consulting
- SAP System Installation & Configuration
- SAP Archiving
- CUA - Central User Administration
- AIS - Audit Information System
- SAP Security Checks
- SAP Solution Manager
- Setup SAPgui Installation Server for an easy Patch Strategy
- Setup SAProuter with and without SNC or VPN
(sapserv1, sapserv2, sapserv3, sapserv4, sapserv5, sapserv6, sapserv7, sapservx)
- SAP Download Manager
- SAP Kernel Patches
- SAP Support Packages
- SAP Notes Assistent
- Hotline for "on Duty" Support
- General Hotline in Emergency Cases for any Customer
- SAP Performance Optimization
- We can "just" optimize the system for you
- We can optimize the system together with you
- We can teach you in detail how to optimize the system - so you become empowered to do most of the stuff yourself in future. We would use then e.g. the following transactions for this:
ST02, ST03, ST04, ST05, ST06, DB20, SM50, ST22, SM21, ...
- Independent Consulting for Sizing or Re-Sizing - especially for iSeries
- Analyzation what needs to be extended when Performance Problems are based on Hardware bottlenecks
- Memory ?
- CPU ?
- Disks ?
- Disk Controller ?
- ...
- Backup & Recovery
- Is the backup concept correct ? Does it fit the business needs ?
- Creation of a Backup & Recovery Guide
- Emergency Point-In-Time-Recovery: In case of emergency we can help you being successful including APYJRNCHG or APYJRNCHGX
- Analyzation if the indexes are set properly in the database
- "Just" on duty support for Upgrades, Codepage Conversions etc. - just in case that something happens that needs to be fixed soon
- ... everything that needs high skills on iSeries!
Just ask and most likely we can offer the specified task for you ...
Volker Gueldenpfennig is a certified SAP Basis Consultant and working self employed with the company consolut.gmbh. Volker is a certified OS/DB-Migrations Consultant for all SAP Platforms as well.
For sure, he is certified for the iSeries EBCDIC to ASCII Codepage Conversion (CPC). He has lots of experience in especially this part, as he fixed a lot of customer problems here and did several successful conversions already - of large systems as well.
The team around Volker Gueldenpfennig is working and providing Services on all SAP Platforms and all SAP Technology Components like SAP Web Application Server (SAP WebAS), SAP NetWeaver ...
The major focus is set on the SAP Platform "SAP on iSeries" (AS/400). Therefore, you can expect deepest knowledge for especially this platform. This leads to the point, that this team can fix nearly every iSeries SAP Basis issue.
So, the bigger the problem, the more interesting the project of this team !
How to reach Volker Güldenpfennig and his team ?
consolut international ag
Volker Gueldenpfennig
Fauengasse 8
CH 8200 Schaffhausen
Homepage: www.consolut.ch
01/23/2025, 04:27:57