
Volker Gueldenpfennig

SAP Service Marketplace

Kernel Patches

Support Packages

SAPGui Patches

SAP ITS Patches


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Quicklinks for the SAP Service Marketplace

/access-support Remote connection, Internet connection, SAP Service Channel, SAProuter
/adobe Strategic Alliance between SAP and Adobe
/aerospace mySAP Aerospace & Defense
/ais Audit Information System
/archivelink Business Documents, Document Management, Document Storage, Document Archiving, Document Find
/automotive mySAP Automotive
/availability R/3 Releases that are currently available and can be delivered
B Back to Top
/banking mySAP Banking
/benchmark Standard Application Benchmarks
/bestpractices SAP Best Practices for mySAP.com
/bi mySAP Business Intelligence
/bmet Business Maps and Engagement Tools
/bw SAP Business Information Warehouse
C Back to Top
/cccnet SAP's Customer Competence Center Net
/ce SAP Consultant Education, SAP Solution Academy
/certificates Certification Center
/certification SAP Global Certification Program
/chemicals mySAP Chemicals
/co Controlling, Activity Based Costing, Prifitability Analysis, Product Cost Controlling
/connectors Connectors
/consumerproducts mySAP Consumer Products
/crm mySAP CRM (mySAP Customer Relationship Management)
/crossindustrysolutions Cross-Industry Solutions
D Back to Top
/data-archiving SAP Data Archiving
/developmentnews Development News
E Back to Top
/earlywatch SAP EarlyWatch Check
/ec Enterprise Controlling
/eco mySAP Engineering, Construction & Operations
/ecp Easy Cost Planning
/education SAP Educational Services
/empowering Service, Knowledge, Operations
/enterprise SAP R/3 Enterprise Information Center
/ep mySAP Enterprise Portal
/euro EMU and the SAP's Euro Solution
/eventreviews All Presentations held on SAP Events
/ewa SAP EarlyWatch Alert
F Back to Top
/financials mySAP Financials, Travel Management, Internet Service Request
/fiscalyearchange Actions you must perform when taking your SAP System into the next fiscal year
G Back to Top
/globalization Globalization, Multinational Issues, Countries, Languages, Unicode
/goinglive-fu SAP GoingLive Functional Upgrade Check
/goinglivecheck SAP GoingLive Check
H Back to Top
/healthcare mySAP Healthcare
/helpdesk Support Center Addresses Worldwide
/higher-ed mySAP Higher Education & Research
/hightech mySAP High Tech
/hr mySAP HR (mySAP Human Resources)
I Back to Top
/ibf Internet Business Framework
/ibm International SAP-IBM Competence Center
/ides Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System
/im Investment Management
/imc mySAP Industrial Machinery & Components
/industrysolutions Industry Solutions
/infrastructure Infrastructures and Services
/installations Catalog within the SAP Software Center that contains installations and upgrades for SAP application components
/instguides Installation/Upgrade Guides
/insurance mySAP Insurance
K Back to Top
/knowledgecat Knowledge Catalog
/kw SAP Knowledge Warehouse, Documentation, Training Materials, Quality Manuals
L Back to Top
/licenseauditing License Auditing Services
/licensekeys Request a permanent license key after installing or upgrading the SAP System
/lifesciences mySAP Pharmaceuticals - Lifesciences
/linux mySAP Technology on Linux
/lsmw Legacy System Migration Workbench
M Back to Top
/maintenance Maintenance, MaxAttention, Standard Support
/MaxAttention MaxAttention - and everything around it
/media mySAP Media
/medialibrary Installation/Upgrade Guides, Overview Brochures, Industry Brochures, Factsheets, Whitepapers, Success Stories, Functions in Detail, Product Information Kits, Folders, Flyer, CD-ROMs, Knowledge Products
/message Customer Messages
/microsoft SAP-Microsoft Competence Center
/migration-keys OS/DB Migration Keys
/mill mySAP Mill Products
/mining mySAP Mining
/mobile mySAP Mobile Business
/mp mySAP Marketplace
/mss Manager Self-Service
N Back to Top
/namespaces Development Namespaces
/netweaver SAP NetWeaver, Integration and Application Platform, Enterprise Services Architechture, Portal Infrastructure; Exchange Infrastructure; Web Services; SAP Web Application Server; Solution Life-Cycle Management, mySAP Technology
/noteassistant Note Assistant
/notes SAP Notes
O Back to Top
/oilgas mySAP Oil & Gas
/osdbmigration OS/DB Migration Service
P Back to Top
/partner SAP Partner Management
/partnerdir Partner Directory
/patches SAP Maintenance software such as Support Packages and Binary Patches. This catalog-based tree will offer you an uniform way of dealing with SAP’s software rather than dealing with different download areas.
/performance Measuring System Performance, Performance Map
/lifesciences mySAP Pharmaceuticals - Lifesciences
/platforms Platform and Technology Information Center
/plm mySAP Product Lifecycle Management, Life-Cycle Data Management, Asset Life-Cycle Management, Program and Project Management, Life-Cycle Collaboration, Quality Management, Environment, Health and Safety
/prod-conf Product Confirmation including Internet Pricing and Configurator
/publicsector mySAP Public Sector
Q Back to Top
/quicksizing Quick Sizer, Internet-based Tool to make Sizing easier
R Back to Top
/r3-plug-in SAP R/3 Plug-in for mySAP.com Components
/re mySAP Financials Real Estate
/recordsmanagement SAP Records Management, Business Documents within Records, Business Processing, Document Management, System Integration, Workflow
/release45 SAP R/3 Release Information 4.5
/releasenotes mySAP.com Release Notes
/releasestrategy mySAP.com Release Strategy
/remotelearning Remote Learning for Delta Training
/retail mySAP Retail
S Back to Top
/safeguarding Risk Management, Implementation, Service
/scm mySAP Supply Chain Management
/security Security Management with mySAP Technology, Download the SAP Cryptographic Library
/sem Strategic Enterprise Management
/servicecat Service Catalog
/serviceconnection Open a Service Connection to use SAP's Remote Services
/serviceprovider mySAP Service Providers
/sizing Sizing mySAP.com
/slo System Landscape Optimization Services, Consulting Services, Conversion Services
/sma SAP Solution Management Assessment Service
/smartforms SAP Smart Forms, Tool for Form Creation, Web Forms
/smb Small and Midsize Business
/smo Optimization, Solution Management, Performance, Integration, Archiving, Administration, Service
/solutionmanager SAP Solution Manager
/srm mySAP Supplier Relationship Management
/sscr SAP Software Change Registration
/standardsupport Maintenance, Teamsap Support
/supportservices Safeguarding, Optimization, Empowering, Support, Solution Management, Service
/supporttools Support Packages for SAP Solution Manager (ST), Support Tools Plug-In (ST-PI), Service Tools for Applications (ST-A/PI), Note Assistant
/swcat Software Catalog
/swcenter SAP Software Center, where SAP plans to offer its entire software portfolio through electronic channels, either as a download from the SAP Service Marketplace or via Satellite. This area replaces the "Online Correction Support" area.
/systemmanagement mySAP.com Basis Technology, System Management, Database Administration, Oracle, Informix
/system-data View and maintain your system data
T Back to Top
/tcs SAP Trust Center Service
/technology Please use the quicklink /netweaver
/telecommunications mySAP Telecommunications
/ti Technical Infrastructure, SAP System Requirements, Network Integration
/trainingcatalog Training Catalog
/transportation mySAP Service Providers, Transportation Industries
U Back to Top
/ui User Interfaces, Web Dynpro, SAP GUI Family, Mobile UI, ITS, Graphics, Presentation Clients
/uddi Universal Description, Discovery and Integration; Web Services
/upgrade Upgrading SAP Systems
/user-admin Online Service System / SAP Service Marketplace User Administration
/utilities mySAP Utilities
W Back to Top
/webflow WebFlow is the SAP business processes management solution for driving and defining workflows or eProcesses in all mySAP components
4 Back to Top
/46c R/3 Release 4.6C, MiniApps, EnjoySAP

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