r3check - the SAP Cluster Table Check Tool.
This tool r3check can check Cluster-Tables for errors.
SAP Kernel Programs
r3check in a SAP System
This tool is able to check the contents of Cluster Tables in SAP Systems as described in note 89384.
Examples for Cluster Tables are:
This tool is a "small R3TRANS". This tool has a different interface then R3TRANS but calls internally R3TRANS. It generates the file TRANS.LOG in the current directory as well.
A sample call to R3CHECK could be as follows:
(edit the following e.g. in the file /tmp/control)
(dumping=yes) (This would be necessary for "logical cluster tables"
like DOKTL, which resites in DOKCLU (physical cluster))
SELECT * FROM <log. Cluster Table> (e.g. DOKTL)
You can start r3check as follows:
r3check /tmp/control
The output will be generated as follows:
- /tmp/export: All exported rows of the table (in a compressed format)
- trans.log: Information Output
- console: Errors in the records
Hopefully, you won't detect, that you have lost really essential data here ...
How to download the latest version ?
You can download the latest version of all the SAP Executables in the SAP Service Marketplace. As the binaries are different for each platform, you should have a look at the following link:
Download Executable Patches on the SAP Service Marketplace
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01/23/2025, 04:22:49