
Volker Gueldenpfennig

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saplicense - How does it work ? The SAP Tool for the Installation of a new SAP License.

The Tool for the installation of a new SAP License. This is needed when the license expires e.g. because of a hardware change.

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saplicense in a SAP System

saplicense is the SAP tool, that is mostly used for installing a new SAP license. This tool is command line based. In the easiest way, you just issue the following command:
saplicense -install

For the new digital licenses:
saplicense '-install ifile=/tmp/license_file.txt'

Then you are asked for the SID, the installation number, the license key etc.
The SAP License can be ordered online in the SAP Service Marketplace at:

You should order it there and mark that you want the license mailed to your inbox. Then you will receive it in a few minuntes and can proceed. It os pretty easy - at least when you order the license for the correct SAP Release, because it is sometimes SAP Release dependent.
As SAP detected, that this command line tool was not as easy to handle as an SAP transaction, the new transaction SLICENSE was born. This handles all stuff, that can be done with saplicense as well. When no license is installed, you can log on with the user SAP*. This one is always allowed to logon - even without a valid license.

Tip for users of Cluster/High Availability Solutions:
In order to not need to install a new license when you switch the system (the APPL Server where the Message-Server resides) you can do this in advance already. You can install as many licenses for other systems as you like. Then this data in table MLICHECK becomes replicates as well and you will not need to enter the license when switching the system.

How to download the latest version ?

You can download the latest version of all the SAP Executables in the SAP Service Marketplace. As the binaries are different for each platform, you should have a look at the following link:
Download Executable Patches on the SAP Service Marketplace

If you have some more ideas to this topic, please let us know via the Feedback Area.

saplicense online help with all supported command line options

usage: saplicense  function [ ... ]               

These functions are possible:                         
-delete             delete installed license          
-get                get hardware key (hardware key)   
-help [option]      display help information          
                    option: get/install/temp/show/test
-install [ifile=]   install license key (especially for new digital licenses!)
-pinstall [ifile=]  install product license key       
-uinstall [ifile=]  install license with userlimit    
-number             get installation number           
-show               show license table                
-temp               install temporary license         
-test               test license                      
-version            show version of saplicense        
¬ ... |    optional SAP command line parameters       
           e.g. NAME=  TRACE=2  pf=     
To get an SAP License you have to complete the        
following steps:                                      

1) Find out the machine on which the SAP message server is
2) Get your hardware key by running "saplicense -get"     
   on the machine where the SAP message server is running.
3) Logon to SAPnet and request a license.                 
4) On receipt of your license key from SAP, install it    
   using "saplicense -install".                           
   As a more convenient way to install the license please 
   use the transaction SLICENSE in the SAP system. 

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