r3trans - the SAP transport tool, that does the real work.
r3trans - This is the tool, that does the real work for tp. tp controls the import and export of changes and r3trans does them using scripts, that were generated from tp.
SAP Kernel Programs
r3trans in a SAP System
This tool r3trans does the complete transport work for tp. TP controls the transports and generates the r3trans control files, but does no database-connect itself. All the "real work" is done from r3trans.
A sample call to R3TRANS could be as follows:
(edit the following e.g. in the file /tmp/control)
SELECT * FROM <table> (e.g. t000)
You can start r3trans as follows:
r3trans /tmp/control
The output will be generated as follows:
- /tmp/export: All exported rows of the table (in a compressed format)
- trans.log: Information Output
- console: Return Code of R3TRANS (should be lower than 8)
How to download the latest version ?
You can download the latest version of all the SAP Executables in the SAP Service Marketplace. As the binaries are different for each platform, you should have a look at the following link:
Download Executable Patches on the SAP Service Marketplace
R3TRANS online help with all supported command line options and further examples
This is r3trans version x.xx (release yyy - 15.12.03 - 13:51:42).
usage: r3trans [<options>] <control_file>
The control_file describes what R3trans has to do.
The following options are possible:
-c f1 f2 : Copy file f1 to f2 with character set conversion.
-d : DB connect. Test if SAP database is available.
-i file : Import from file without using a control file.
-l file : List the contents of file to the log file.
-m file : List the contents of file to allow tp to create a cofile.
-t : Test. All database changes are rolled back.
-u <int> : Unconditional modes. See below.
-v : Verbose. Write more details to the log file.
-w file : Log file. The default log file is 'trans.log'.
-x : DB connect without access on any SAP table.
U-Modes / Unconditional Modes:
- The following umodes are available during exports:
- 1: Ignore the incorrect status of the transport request
- 8: Allow direct selection of forbidden tables.
Some tables are part of complex objects and generally cannot be exported alone.
- The following umodes are available during imports:
- 0: overtaker, leave the respective task in the buffer, mark it to be imported again (1 or I).
- 1: repeat the import of the transport request from the beginning.
- 2: overwrite original objects.
- 3: not used any more
- 4: not used any more
- 6: overwrite repaired objects (that are object being in a unconfirmed repair).
- 8: ignore restrictions arising from table classes
- 9: ignore that this type of transport request currently may not be imported
- I (in buffer only): repeat the import of the transport request from the beginning. This umode normally only appears in the buffer when umode 0 has been used.
- J (in buffer only): repeat the import of the transport request into the respective client from the beginning. That means for example that client independant objects are not imported again. This umode normally only appears in the buffer when umode 0 has been used.
- F (in buffer only): buffer entry is at a wrong position. A subsequent (implicit) addtobuffer will correct that later. This umode normally only appears in the buffer of delivery systems when umode 0 has been used.
- D (in buffer only): that is not a umode, but the SPAM-tag, this can only be set with the option tag=SPAM.
- X (in buffer only): that is not a umode, but the USER-tag, this can only be set with the option tag=X.
- N (in buffer only) no delivery. This flag normally is set by the TMS workflow during their addtobuffer commands. However the flag will not be written to the buffer, when the respective buffer entry was already found in the buffer. If the flag is set tp does not deliver the respective buffer entry. In addition buffer entries with all step completed except the delivery step but with umode 'N' set will be regarded as completely imported.
- Q (on command line only) ignore inactive entries. Available as of tp version 287.00. This flag is normally set by the TMS workflow only. Without this option tp will stop an import if it finds inactive entries in the buffer (See Quality assurance functionality.)
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02/14/2025, 19:20:09