Activation and adjustment of the nametabs with the ABAP Dictionary
If you need to write nametabs based on the DDIC (Data Dictionary) DIPGNTAB is used - especially during installation.
DIPGNTAB usage during SAP Installation:
Syntax in general:
dipgntab -fprot dipgntabSID.log -rwr40 -srctt DDNTT -srctf DDNTF -dsttt DDNTT -dsttf DDNTF -ttonly TT
Syntax on iSeries ( AS/400 ):
DIPGNTAB PARMLIST('-fprot dipgntabSID.log -rwr40 -srctt DDNTT -srctf DDNTF -dsttt DDNTT -dsttf DDNTF -ttonly TT')
dipgntab -h this help screen <name=[xxx]> system name -generate generate nametabs from DD-sources -newab force new abtimestamp -comp compare nametabs only -print print only (no changes made) -loadtouch touch dep. report loads in any case -drop drop nametabs via shadownametab -activate activate from shadow nametab -active activate A-version -comm [commfile] activate by command file -lang [language] read with this language -prot [protname] write to protocol <protname> -fprot filename write to protocol file -tabl [table name] operate on this table -sqltrace with SQL-trace -trace write trace information [level] trace level (0-4) [file] output file [file] output file -cp copy nametabs - for internal use only CAUTION: cp CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!! -acomp compare nametabs between tables [-srctt] header source [-srctf] field source -dsttt header destination -dsttf field destination [-list <tabname>] table containing tablenames [-namefld <field>] field containing the tablenames [-rel <release>] release (for "-list PUTTB" only) [-subst <extend>] rep. switch. extension for the table names -mv40 40-nametab move - for internal use only CAUTION: mv40 CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!! [-srctt] header source [-srctf] field source -dsttt header destination -dsttf field destination [-list <tabname>] table of tablenames that shall not be copied [-namefld <field>] field containing the tablenames -rwr40 40-nametab read/write - for internal use only CAUTION: rwr40 CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!! [-srctt] header source [-srctf] field source -dsttt header destination -dsttf field destination [-ttonly nametab entries <type><form> ] wity tabtype <type> and tabform <form> only -del40 40-nametab deletion - for internal use only CAUTION: del40 CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!! [-srctt] header source -dsttt header destination -dsttf field destination [-list <tabname>] table of tablenames that shall not be copied [-namefld <field>] field containing the tablenames -cpint copy active to inactive - for internal use only CAUTION: cpint CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!! [-srctt] header source [-srctf] field source -dsttt header destination -dsttf field destination -delete delete active nametab and inactive nametab of non DB objects with modeflag 'D'
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